On September 22, 2020, a terrible event took place – Vissarion was detained and taken into investigative custody by Russia’s special security forces.
From that moment to this day, attempts to find evidence in order to indict and hold a trial have continued, but without success.
The formal reason for the Teacher’s detention stemmed from absurd accusations: causing “sleep disturbance” to two people.
For more than three and a half years now, naturally, no verifying evidence of the accusations has been found, which in itself speaks of their inconsistency. (for more information see “Labyrinths of Lies”)
Disciples, followers and supporters, as well as just well-wishers from around the world are anxiously awaiting the expiration of the maximum time of legal detention, hoping and believing that justice will prevail and the Teacher will return to his honoured place!
Here we publish some of the most important letters of the Teacher from His detention period.
A Letter to the President
Dear President Putin, I am writing to you today to express my deep concern over the continued detention of Sergey Torop, also known as Vissarion, in Russia. Vissarion is a spiritual leader who has dedicated his life to promoting a message of love, harmony, and unity. His teachings have inspired thousands of people around the…
About the Pole of Peace
Peace be upon you, who strive to worthily fulfil what has been predetermined by the Heavenly Father! Noting the specificity displayed in your judgements about the Pole of Peace, I see it necessary to further clarify certain circumstances, which are important to understand correctly, and I will mention once again what I have already told…
The Time Is Coming
“Chekist can be only a man with a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands.” Dzerzhinsky In the autumn of 2024, after deliberately prolonged for two years court interrogations, which were conducted only on the initiative of the state prosecutor, where she questioned about a hundred witnesses chosen by her about the same circumstances…
Obscurantism of the Anti-Sectarians
August 28, 2024, Vissarion “He who conceals hatred has lying lips; and he who spreads slander is a fool.“ (Proverbs of Solomon. Old Testament) From the lawyers‘ words I learnt about the journalists’ wish to make an interview with me. I was given the questions so that, having familiarised myself with them, I could express…
The Time of God’s Opponents
Once upon a time, in the lands of the ancient nation of Israel, there occurred a little-noticed but very instructive event that manifested two valuable key implications for all seekers of wisdom from God. In the extant ancient texts that have been included in the New Testament Scriptures, such an event was associated with the…
The Pole of Peace
My friends, it is time to manifest another landmark! In recent years, you have begun to try to comprehend the topic of the formation of The Pole of Peace community and have already been able to apply some interesting efforts in the right direction for this. In the current epochal period of catastrophic events on…
Who will prevail?
The July 19 news report reflected the concerns of Mikhail Murashko, the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, who said: “A vicious practice has been formed in the society, when the conviction emerged that a woman should first get an education, make a career, provide herself with a financial base, and…
An Appeal to those who ponder, July 17, 2022
Peace be with you, children of the Living God! I would like to begin with a small semantic digression. From ancient times to the present day a reference has been preserved, concerning the life of Diogenes, the well-known eccentric thinker. One day he was seen walking down the city street. In broad daylight Diogenes was…
Labyrinths of Lies
Here has come the long-awaited moment of the beginning of the judicial consideration of the psychiatric expertise existing in our criminal case, on the basis of which the allegedly serious harm to health of the so-called victims Kistersky D.V. and Mizgiryov E.Y. has been determined. In criminal practice there is such a norm, where if…
Christmas Address, January 14, 2022
Dear friends, peace be with you and your soulmates! I see it favourable to bring to your attention certain key circumstances of which you have already heard from me in varying degrees over the years. I think you have understood already well enough that a peculiar exam is taking place in your spiritual practice, which…
New Year’s Address
Dear friends, allow me as well to wish you a Happy New Year! In view of certain natural circumstances, it seems to me inappropriate to wish you a Merry Christmas, but I’d like to wish you a happy New Year, which according to both your and my childhood memories is associated with a fairy tale…
Collective Appeal
from the Followers of the Teaching of Vissarion To all people of goodwill and the public media To Kingston University, London To the UN Human Rights Committee To the International Committee Against Torture To the Head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis To the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader Dalai Lama XIV To the Representatives of…
Holiday message (18.08.21)
Dear friends, peace to your home and your loved ones! This is the end of the time circle, when all major festive occasions you have spent on your own, without my direct, familiar to you, participation. You have managed to cope quite well with the shock of the events that have occurred and to show…
The Lamentation of the Heart
You have crucified my soul… You have smeared me abundantly with the filth of your sins and exposed me to public ridicule… You have exposed me for a long time, until the hour when efforts will be made to hammer in the nails that will validate the accusations you have fabricated for me… I have…
It was Until – 31.05.21
The time for the primary value of Mergence has come… Mergence is intended to help those who have succeeded to trust, to pass harmoniously through readjustment in connection with the beginning of significant changes of the parameters of the fluctuations of the energy-informational field of the Earth… My prayer lasts for about fifteen minutes… Only…
The Holiday Message of the Teacher – 31.05.21
Short-sighted people are not apt to see the essence of the ongoing phenomena, but show a great disposition to arbitrarily hang up assessment labels on everything they come into contact with. Such labels with subjective evaluations are based on the characteristic peculiarities of hard-heartedness, for the very fact of having a desire to assess everything…
A Letter from the Teacher /28.01.21/
The salvation of Russia and its spiritual flourishing, and subsequently of all other nations, had to begin with your union and your Unification on the basis of the Truth which has been revealed to everybody! Bring forth the Light of Truth through righteous deeds, and let the gifts of grace become inexhaustible in your hands!…
A New Letter from the Teacher
The commandment to “love your enemy” does not, of course, imply that you should make every effort to express any admiration or enthusiasm for them. Loving the enemy implies above all those righteous efforts against yourself, when you will not condemn those who persecute or hate you, when you will not show your dislike towards…