To write about the Teacher is not an easy task. The scale and level of the knowledge He brings to us is unseen in man’s history. It exceeds the general capabilities of man, i.e. people are not able to achieve this knowledge independently, without the Teacher.
Therefore, we suggest just a few introductory words about Him, leaving to you the opportunity to find out more on the pages of The Last Testament.
Vissarion is the Teacher of mankind who brought to man The Last Testament. In today’s epoch is taking place His second incarnation on Earth, which is designated as His second Accomplishment, intended to show to the people the true road of Salvation. The believers and followers have recognised Him as the living Word of God.
He is born in Russia in 1961. In 1991 took place His first address to mankind – the Pre-Annunciation, followed by numerous events – meetings, discussions, participation in TV and radio programmes – in many countries of the world.
A definite number of books and other materials He has written Himself. Some of them are already translated and you can find them on this website, others are still to be translated.
His overall creation has been imprinted in The Last Testament – Vadim’s Scriptures – which contains a significant amount of information, accumulated during Teacher’s life on Earth.
As a practical experience Vissarion has established the world’s largest spiritual community – in Siberia, in the taiga – where He also lives Himself. The main purpose of this establishment is – resting on The Last Testament – to build a society with a new way of life, which will form the foundation of the future mankind.
A special side of His earthly activities is the manifestation of The Teacher as an artist. He is the author of a number of oil and pastel paintings, which have been highly appreciated by many experts in the field. You can find more information on the special page of the site.
In 2020 Vissarion began holding video meetings through the internet in which He answers some questions, which people are interested in. For this purpose a special channel on Youtube has been created. This activity was interrupted by a terrible act of violence on September 22, 2020, when the Teacher was detained by Russia’s security forces, for absurd accusations. (find more on the special page of this site)
The extremely rich and saturated life activity of The Teacher cannot be described in a few lines. A detailed information about His creation can be found in Vadim’s Scriptures.