Children of the Great God, peace be with you! Today, with this new appeal of mine, I see the necessity to not just partly reveal for you the next pages of the Book of the great Secrets – in order to define a bit more precisely and to broaden what was once quite briefly and figuratively said in the first chapter of the Book of Fundamentals and what was more widely and deeply reflected in the appeal “The Last Hope” –  but I also see a particular need to emphasise once again and more profoundly the crucial period in your becoming, on the sound understanding of which fully depend the favourable active transformation of your being and the fate of the whole human race.

  • Chapter 1

    Children of the Great God, peace be with you! Today, with this new appeal of mine, I see the necessity to not just partly reveal for you the next pages of the Book of the great Secrets – in order to define a bit more precisely and to broaden what was once quite briefly and…

  • Chapter 2

    And further we will briefly, figuratively touch upon some important energetic peculiarities of the fruits of the developing material World (see Fig. 4). 2. The ego-emotional sensual world should be perceived either as a stimulating or suppressing active energetic manifestation. 3. For the representatives of the animal world such a feature, in the first place,…

  • Chapter 3

    And now after having touched in a brief and simplified manner some fundamentals, we will begin to touch on the peculiarities of the being of man, which will still more help you gain the necessary clarity in the correct understanding of this vital question for you. 2. Now we can figuratively depict the energetic feature…

  • Chapter 4

    The soul, beginning to cognize the mystery of the first incarnation, for the good of its own development should first of all fill the bodily vessel, which at birth is most consistent in quality with the requirements of the level of the Norm. 2. In this case, in connection with the complete absence of any…

  • Chapter 5

    And now, at last, the significant Event for the whole mankind took place, which I have been waiting for a long time. 2. Although very few of all people living on Mother-Earth have so far been able to decently sort out what is actually Happening in this corner of the Siberian land. 3. Now I…

  • Chapter 6

    And now time has come to deepen your understanding, as much as possible, regarding one important sacrament, which is known to you under the term “baptism”. 2. In order to express in general terms the essence of the commonly accepted interpretation of the sacrament of baptism, suffice it to say that this sacrament is being…

  • Chapter 7

    And now the time has come! And, as much as it was possible, I gathered those who responded to the fulfilment of what is predetermined for the Salvation of the human race. 2. But to agree to fulfill and to begin the worthy fulfilment is not one and the same. 3. Who really – from…

  • Chapter 8

    And now the significant Time has come for all mankind, when the most mature ones should begin the transition to the atmosphere of the conditions of active inhibition and active completion of the becoming, with transition eventually to the level of beginning of full-fledged predetermined activity on the Road of Eternity. 2. Now man should…

  • Chapter 9

    By the time of the beginning of the active purification, designed to actually and finally bring you out of the general stream of manifestation of the realm of power through the active transition to the stream of eternal manifestation of the peculiarities of the kingdom of the Soul, you have gathered together for collective comprehension…

  • Chapter 10

    When in your inner world appear a sufficient amount of positive qualities, you start to have a predisposition to suppose in the core of the actions of anyone of your soulmates, in the contact with his still unknown inner world, above all, positive motives. 2. If you haven’t gained a sufficient amount of positive qualities,…

  • Chapter 11

    With its first steps as a unique phenomenon in the Bosom of Mother-Earth, the young mankind, out of a natural ignorance of the Truth, inevitably allowed to manifest through itself the law of self-affirmation in an unusually bright form. 2. What brought each of the representatives of the whole human society into an unbalanced and…

  • Chapter 12

    Building his life far from the Truth of God and actively displaying an egoistic interested perception of the surrounding people, man persistently continuously asserts some defensive barrier, in his opinion necessary, between his heart and the heart of his soulmate. 2. And it appeared that you are more capable of showing love and tenderness to…