Peace be upon you, who strive to worthily fulfil what has been predetermined by the Heavenly Father!
Noting the specificity displayed in your judgements about the Pole of Peace, I see it necessary to further clarify certain circumstances, which are important to understand correctly, and I will mention once again what I have already told you about earlier.
In the current period of global development of catastrophic tendencies, which are rapidly plunging the societies of all nations of the world into the abyss of extreme living conditions, both in social, climatic and geophysical terms, the need to form regions that can be conventionally designated as Arks of Salvation for the benefit of the preservation of human civilisation should have become especially urgent.
The central and main Ark of this kind should become a definite territory in the south of the Krasnoyarsk region east of the Yenisei River, where you were the first to take the most active and fundamental part in the formation of this Ark!
The psychological environment of the community of sensible people, aspiring to form the Pole of Peace, should imply complete conflict-free environment and unselfishness in interactions for the benefit of each other!
Only a psychological environment of this kind is able to dispose to the formation of large families and the mass development of cultural and creative processes, and can also make it possible to overcome extreme life conditions in the most favourable way!
To successfully form the community of the Pole of Peace will be possible only for those who have managed to realise the priority of the vital necessity to develop first of all in spiritual and moral terms.
You are those who were able to voluntarily assume the greatest responsibility to take the first steps in the formation of such a type of community, which, as it was predetermined by God long before, should become the basis for the manifestation of the ideological reference point of spiritual and moral nature – the Pole of Peace, which will be lifesaving for the entire human civilisation.
In such an epochal Event, adherents of other creeds may join you, but only those who are spiritually mature enough to respect the sacred choices of people of other faiths, which inherently implies respecting the freedom of choice of man.
You must be able, and you should already be able to do this, to interact properly with adherents of other creeds who, by the quality of their spiritual maturity, have been able to show enthusiasm in applying joint efforts with you in the formation of a life-giving psychological environment of Peacefulness and Humanity.
The main thing in this righteous field is to always remember that the freedom of man’s choice is sacred and is a particularly important element in the spiritual self-development!
The inability to treat favourably the religious conviction of believers of other faith is based primarily on a complete lack of a correct understanding of the Truth of spiritual development.
From a certain point in ancient times, when the manifested religious beliefs began to be deliberately integrated into state systems with the aim of strengthening secular power, religious beliefs inevitably began to undergo specific transformations that led to the development of an interest in acquiring power and financial enrichment in the sphere of religious activity.
In connection with such specific processes, all sorts of vicious manipulations began to be applied, designed not only to promote the imposition of certain beliefs on as many people as possible, but also to promote the persecution and extermination of those who refused to accept what was imposed.
Over time, the processes of such impositions, persecution and intolerance towards other religious beliefs began to soften, but still persist, thereby demonstrating the low level of spiritual development of society and the absence of correct ideas about the true spiritual values.
To this should be added the strong egocentric disposition of man to believe that his own beliefs are always unequivocally more correct than those of others, if their beliefs differ in any way from those held by him.
Such an unhealthy psychological position, which can be seen in every man who is inclined to take initiative, always deprives him of the possibility to objectively comprehend some new elements of other beliefs, and is quite simply capable of putting such a man in the position of a God-fighter!
If you have a negative reaction to the fact that someone, after becoming acquainted with your beliefs, continues to hold their own beliefs that differ from yours, this directly indicates that you have unhealthy egoistic pretensions.
For who are you then, if you allow yourselves to consider the choice of another person as inconsistent with the Will of God just because that person’s choice does not agree with your subjective perceptions?!
Was it you who predetermined the fate of that person and are you to judge what exactly can be the most favourable for his spiritual self-development?!
Sometimes, when you think you have to help someone, it is actually expected that you yourself will be able to benefit from something from that person!
If you are dissatisfied with another person’s actions – it always implies that you have assessed such his actions as wrong.
But it is one thing when you are a master builder or an artist, because then you have the right to act as a teacher or mentor in your speciality, and therefore you have the right to evaluate and give advice to anyone who wants to learn from you such skills.
And it is quite another matter when the subject concerns the Road of spiritual development, for on such a Road you all, without exception, will always be disciples who will always be inclined to make erroneous judgements about spiritual Truth, especially when you have had to encounter something for the first time!
You, who made the main efforts in the initial formation of the Pole of Peace, have been given enough to successfully continue the righteous work predestined for you.
The appearance among you of believers with different religious beliefs who wish to join you in common endeavours to shape the life-giving environment of the Pole of Peace should not imply a primary need to immerse in the specifics of different creeds.
And it means that those who aspire to take part in the formation of the Pole of Peace will not be right to emphasise their attention on the possibility of trying to insistently bring their convictions to the consciousness of their fellowmen, if there is no interest on the part of your neighbours to learn something from you in relation to such convictions!
Remember, any attempt to be insistent in communicating one’s beliefs to those who do not show a corresponding interest in learning about them is always a path to conflict!
Only the practice of your life manifestations in different life circumstances is called upon to contribute to the emergence of such interest in someone.
First learn to interact righteously with your neighbors in ordinary life circumstances, and time will tell whether there will be a need to explain something of your beliefs to any of them.
But not the other way around, when you make an unacceptably hasty effort to convince someone of the truth of some spiritual and moral priorities that exist in your life, without even interacting with those people in the practice of your life.
A useful manifestation of interest in learning about certain elements of a different worldview usually occurs when man has the opportunity to compare his own life experience with the analogous experience of another person.
Spiritual maturity is always based on one’s own life experience, not on the amount of information comprehended at the level of consciousness!
Faith without deeds is dead.
A conflict-free friendly environment of unselfish interaction should first of all be jointly formed in the area of economic and cultural manifestations, which are designed to allow people not only to survive favourably in natural and material terms, but also to be emotionally enriched by the beautiful creations of each other’s hands in the field of crafts and arts!
In the space of the Pole of Peace different spiritual views should be simultaneously manifested in the form of performing different ritual sacraments by believers, in which anyone can participate, as well as in the form of meetings, where it is possible to help all those who are interested to become more familiar with some aspects of the creed that is new to them.
It is acceptable for the sacrament of glorifying God to be performed in the space of your Temple by representatives of other faiths, if you do not see any fundamental contradictions in the assessment of the actions that are supposed to be performed under the vaults of your Temple.
Be blessed, peacemakers, who have taken the Word of God into their hearts!
Peace and happiness to you!
Vissarion 17.01.2025