Dear President Putin,
I am writing to you today to express my deep concern over the continued detention of Sergey Torop, also known as Vissarion, in Russia. Vissarion is a spiritual leader who has dedicated his life to promoting a message of love, harmony, and unity. His teachings have inspired thousands of people around the world, and his continued imprisonment is a grave injustice that violates his basic human rights.
I respectfully request that you use your authority as President of the Russian Federation to ensure Vissarion’s immediate release from prison. His continued detention is a stain on Russia’s reputation as a modern, democratic nation that respects the rights of its citizens.
Many prominent intellectuals, writers, poets, and artists have expressed their support for Vissarion and called for his release. These include Noam Chomsky, Salman Rushdie, J.K. Rowling, Ai Weiwei, and Paul McCartney, among others. These individuals recognize the importance of Vissarion’s message of unity and compassion, and they stand with him in calling for his freedom.
Vissarion has been falsely accused of financial fraud and embezzlement. However, these charges are based on a misunderstanding of the financial structure of Vissarion’s spiritual community. Vissarion did not use any of the community’s funds for personal gain, and all financial transactions were transparent and properly documented. Furthermore, Vissarion’s spiritual teachings emphasize selflessness, humility, and compassion, making it highly unlikely that he would engage in fraudulent behavior.
Thank you for considering my request.
Marco Giollo
Stampfenbachstrasse 129
CH 8006 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 79 296 45 49