
Selected translations from Vissarion’s personal blog (print blog)

  • Get Acquainted, That’s Who I Am

    Get Acquainted, That’s Who I Am

    This address refers to a particular circumstance that was once experienced by those who used to come to my meetings. In the early years of these meetings, I allowed myself to mention a piece of specific – not mine – information, which subsequently led some people to ask embarrassing questions. These questions continue to excite…

  • The Share of the Weak Person

    The Share of the Weak Person

    It’s freezing out the window. On the window glass in some places something intricate and elegant is being created in filigree strokes: either the Frost wants to cheer us up, or just to please. And the surface of the wooden constructions, when hit by the sun rays, sparkles as if covered in diamond crumb. Soon…

  • Once Again About the Most Important

    Once Again About the Most Important

    I wrote the beginning of this address after I started writing the text itself. I saw the need to touch upon this subject back in November, but I was not allowed to approach it, if I may say so. I guess I was somewhat ahead of time (smile). And now, the new year has begun.…

  • A Little Bit about the Essence of the Common Family

    A Little Bit about the Essence of the Common Family

    This appeal is mainly addressed to those who are really striving to fully develop their spiritual nature and try in practice to comprehend in every possible way the relevant characteristic lessons. I would like to once again emphasize a little bit the main essence of what can only allow to fully implement the practice of…

  • Break


    Before I make my general statement, I will mention first one simple experience that you may have well encountered in your life. If you, having a desire to create a homogeneous solution, pour a handful of heterogeneous, similar to each other small particles into a water tank, and then begin to actively shake that mixture,…

  • Time of the Beast

    Time of the Beast

    Once the believers have heard about the image that every tree is being recognized by its fruits, for a bad tree cannot bear good fruits. All of you are able to realize correctly enough that the principal feature of life activity of representatives of the animal world is based on the survival only at the…

  • Chipization


    Recently I began to frequently encounter with your questions about the alleged chipization of the global population, and now I see it favourable to touch upon this issue in a bit more detail. For the more comprehensive understanding of what you are concerned about in these questions, I will answer on a slightly broader plane,…

  • What is going on?

    What is going on?

    Over the last few days I heard from some believers, living in remote cities, that there has been shown some interest in asking me about the exciting events, taking place in the world today. I am well aware of the fact, that the alarming events happening now, especially concerning the various circumstances related to the…

  • On Showing Resentment

    On Showing Resentment

    Difficult times always present a natural temptation for the spiritually unseeing and the mentally immature ones and strongly provoke in them an irresistible need to seek and identify a provisional enemy. To identify the one who by all means must be marked as the culprit for the ongoing troubles and discomfort they have come to experience. Generally,…

  • On the Characteristics of Patriotism

    On the Characteristics of Patriotism

    One can regularly notice many bold statements about patriotism manifested in the daily life of human society. Are those statements being made aptly enough, however, in regard to a variety of circumstances, assuming the normal development namely of human spiritual nature, on which really depends the harmonious well-being of entire human society? Patriotism in human…

  • On the Characteristics of Power

    On the Characteristics of Power

    Can those who believe to have eyes really see? Can those who consider themselves rational see the truth? What is the true worth of those who appear to care for the good of their neighbor but continue to turn their eyes away from the truth? How much longer can those who loudly take on positions…