And now, at last, the significant Event for the whole mankind took place, which I have been waiting for a long time.
2. Although very few of all people living on Mother-Earth have so far been able to decently sort out what is actually Happening in this corner of the Siberian land.
3. Now I begin to create for you specific conditions for the active modification in the true direction of the sense-conscious basis of those who follow me.
4. And this means that the common fateful life-line of all worthily striving to comprehend God’s Word, that has come again, will start to change in quality, and so, in direction as well.
5. That is, by direct and concrete revealing in due measure of all the spiritual key points, I will lead the aspirants in direction which is opposite to the one that you reliably follow throughout your history, persistently trying to get away from Harmony.
6. And the opposite side will be defined not by your moving along the path you have trodden, but by your acquisition of a Road of a qualitatively different character.
7. For this reason it is necessary to turn away from the common stream of characteristic life manifestation of mankind and start the active forming of true vital qualities in the essence of your human entity.
8. That requires greatest efforts, which are actually able to make only those, who have profoundly and completely dedicated themselves to the aspiration to worthily comprehend the Sacred Faith.
9. Taking into account the inherent to the life manifestations of man definite inertial force and the gradualness of the inclusion of the spiritual key points into full-fledged work, I would say, that the acquiring of the Road of Ascent itself will not take place immediately, though the beginning of the turn from the previous road may already have been undertaken (see Fig. 10).
10. After passing through the beginning of the Pivot, utmost attention and vigilance with the same maximum tension of righteous efforts will be required, for a passage of an extremely complicated part of the road to the starting point of Ascent will begin.
11. On this segment of the road the sensual world of man naturally will be influenced by a very high inertial pressure, which he did not experience moving in the common habitual stream of characteristic life manifestation of the human society as a whole.
12. This pressure should be understood as the power of impact of the root peculiarities, developed over a long time, which force the manifestation of characteristic reactions, having become inherent at perceiving the necessary vital instructive-educational psychological medium, when will be made all efforts towards the correct comprehension and reaction on the ongoing reality on behalf of the sincerely aspiring to perceive the Truth.
13. At any point of the discussed segment of the road from the Pivot starting point to the starting point of Ascent the features of the inner world of man will preserve the probability, in moments of regular display of negligence, to fall in the direction of the common stream of display of the kingdom of power.
14. Such a probability will inevitably melt away with the approaching of the starting point of Ascent, where the process of falling ceases and there comes a state of life-changing balance, at which the inner world of man continues to have an ever-increasing favourable predisposition to further true development.
15. The next of the road from the starting point of Ascent to the point of the beginning of rectilinear Ascent, which can rightfully be called the beginning of the Kingdom of the Soul, corresponding to the level of the beginning of the predetermined full-fledged life activity, will be the end of the mystery of the Pivot.
16. During this final period the regularities of Ascent begin to act more and more, while a definite increasingly fading force of the inertial pressure continues its influence to the point of the beginning of the Kingdom of the Soul.
17. The approaching of that point of beginning of the Kingdom of the Soul is for you like approaching of the threshold of your own home, where you have been dreaming to return to for ages.
18. Reaching this point you will finally complete the vitally important solution of the first main task, set before you by Eternity.
19. And the first main task, set before mankind at the initial stage of formation, is the need to necessarily cognize its true essence, the true relationship with its Heavenly Father and its true attitude towards the surrounding reality.
20. Only after that mankind may proceed to the full-fledged accomplishment of the predetermined for it by the Great God unique mission in the Universe.
21. During the first seven years of my current Accomplishment, from the manifested by that time specifically prepared social medium, preserving as much as possible man’s full freedom of choice, through the efforts of the Great God, I basically had to collect exactly those, to whom it would be favourable at some point to grant the beginning of fulfilment of the first active moves to formation of the foundation, from which would proceed the true predetermined becoming of mankind.
22. Through my appeals to you, which carried peculiar for this character, during these first seven years I was creating for you the corresponding necessary characteristic environment of moderate activeness regarding the necessary radical modification of your inner world.
23. At the same time this was creating conditions of most favourable inhibition, in order that later you could successfully make use of the fateful Pivot, after which there shoud begin to increasingly emerge the features of a totally different life in a psychological sense.
24. Now, as you already know from my latest appeals to you, the beginning of the significant Pivot has come, and now I want to remind once again this vitally important for you event, particularly emphasising it.
25. The main fateful period of your life decisions begins, which now should either be taken in full correspondence with the Truth and, accordingly, there should be successfully cognized the mystery of the Pivot, or – continue to flow in the previous stream, established historically for human society.
26. In this case I see the need to repeatedly emphasise one more thing, which should be remembered: the successful passing through the mystery of the Pivot is always based on the greatest possible effort to perform each step as befits the believer, but not on counting your victories or failures that you have allegedly seen.
27. Such counting is always associated with an inner inclination to compare what has been counted with the victories and failures of your neighbours.
28. And all this is a manifestation of egoism, from maintaining the abnormal growth of which in yourself you now finally need to protect yourself.
29. In order to keep the believers within the admissible limits of the pivotal arc and help you move along it without getting lost, my addresses to you are beginning to have the appropriate for this, peculiar character.
30. You need to be extremely attentive to everything that I will suggest and determine.
31. Now I have already begun to weave for you an environment of the necessary activeness regarding the fundamental modification of your inner world to its full compliance with the requirements of the Truth, when you will acquire a solid basis for normal constant development.