The soul, beginning to cognize the mystery of the first incarnation, for the good of its own development should first of all fill the bodily vessel, which at birth is most consistent in quality with the requirements of the level of the Norm.
2. In this case, in connection with the complete absence of any life experience, the soul does not create in the sensual world of man any additional sensual attraction to any life efforts.
3. But, being incarnated into a natural organism, the soul through its characteristic force significantly increases the manifestation of natural instinctive-egoistic sensual peculiarities,
4. Which begin mainly to create in man a brightly manifested natural egoistic sensual attraction to constant satisfaction of, above all, exclusively egoistic needs.
5. From which the soul inevitably begins to quickly accumulate negative life experience in the form of numerous sensual attachments to false values.
6. Considering the quality of such accumulated false attachments, the Great Heavenly Father allows you to cognize the mystery of the next incarnation in such a family and in such life circumstances, which will have a healing effect on the previously acquired dangerous attachments, with the necessary reminders at the right moment about the due acquisition of a more correct understanding of the ongoing reality.
7. The life activity of each human society so far manifests itself in one false characteristic direction, which, naturally, creates a definite psychological environment for the successful movement in the wrong direction of each person constituting this society.
8. And as the reincarnated soul has already certain negative life experience, this begins to create an additional negative attraction to the already existing natural ego-sensual attraction.
9. Such additional negative attraction will be displayed with an increasing strength at every new incarnation, if the previous incarnations have so far led only to ever greater acquisition of negative life experience.
10. In such circumstances man naturally acquires a predisposition to increasingly rapid accumulation of the negative and to imminent death.
11. But it is precisely due to the peculiar way the Heavenly Father outplays the life circumstances of man through the mystery of reincarnation that the Great God constantly creates for his children vitally important auxiliary conditions, which are able to significantly restrain the probable rapidity of spiritual downfall and, therefore, the falling of vitality.
12. Where at each new incarnation, when the life experience has negative orientation only, there can be acquired a natural organism with certain negative deviations present from birth, in order that the various deviations of this kind could also create the necessary auxiliary restraint (see Fig. 9).
13. Based on the above graphical illustration of one of the combinations of manifestation of a series of reincarnations where the final result is life experience with changing qualities, we can note that in the period of increasing acquisition of negative life experience in the environment of carefully created by the Great God conditions of keeping from rapid spiritual decline, nevertheless, with each new incarnation there inevitably manifests itself an ever-increasing prevalence of negative final effect,
14. The increase of which to the critical line will bring the quality of the soul to the final loss of the need for a new incarnation.
15. For the quality of the soul will completely lose any probability of positive change.
16. And this means, that any natural organism of the existing human society, acquiring a soul with such a negative quality, will inevitably find itself unable in any circumstances to cope with the powerful pressure of the additional negative inclination.
17. Together with the line of predominance of the negative final effect in the series of reincarnations of the life destiny of a certain soul, there can also be manifested a line of an ever-increasing prevalence of positive final effect, which illustrates the positive change of the quality of the soul with an ever-increasing accumulation of positive life experience in it.
18. Such a favourable positive change begins in one of the incarnations, close to the end of the life destiny of the given incarnation.
19. After which the positive life experience that has emerged in the core of the soul in the next incarnation will respectively begin to be felt through an additional characteristic sensual propensity, creating more favourable conditions for an even earlier tendency to manifest ever greater positive efforts.
20. Wherein, under the influence of the unusually full freedom of choice – which only the representatives of mankind possess and which differs from the allegedly full freedom of choice possessed by all inanimate representatives of the mobile mind – man can in his next incarnation either lose the acquired positive things, or multiply them.
21. But, as one gains more and more positive life experience, the probability to lose it in the medium of supportive conditions created by the All-Loving Heavenly Father to the good of his children, will decrease.
22. The manifested line, illustrating the ever-increasing positive final effect, is not the line which shows the presence of ascent.
23. And as long as a line of this kind is manifested lower than the conditional level of the Norm, this line will illustrate just an ever-increasing inhibition in conditions of moderate falling.
24. Given the high activity of the manifested propensity for self-destruction in man’s nature the regularity of reincarnation creates the most moderate decline in vitality as a whole and for the entire human society on Mother-Earth.
25. Where also the predominance of a negative final effect in the life activity of the representatives of mankind creates the greatest acceleration possible in the conditions of moderate falling, and the predominance of a positive one creates an additional inhibition.
26. But, in the existing circumstances of the manifested quality of mankind’s life activity, till the present day, the process of falling of the level of life activity continues in the former unchanged direction.
27. And this is mainly due to the fact, that the entire most active thinking part of the society, striving to occupy the key positions in the formation of the organisational and management structures of its society, in the process of the whole duration of formation of one’s own authority in a series of various competitive clashes of the egoism of different people among themselves, inevitably, in ignorance of the Truth, acquires vividly expressed forms of powerful egoism.
28. Which never contributes to the development of more and more correct perception of the reality of the Laws of Harmony,
29. But always creates a negatively prejudiced attitude towards everything around, pushing towards activities from the position of satisfaction of the egoistic interest of one’s own instincts and vanity.
30. Which always will, as a mandatory rule, be hidden behind slogans of good aspirations and, if possible, expressed in global categories.
31. And a characteristic feature of the display of this dangerous form of egoism in all seekers of some conditional justice densely coloured by that same egoism, is the presence both in the natural manifestations of the animal world, and as yet in man, of a readiness to cause a moral or physical harm to any rival in controversial circumstances about some vital interest.
32. The unbridled, flourishing beyond measure egoism in man’s essence naturally created a definite, uniform for all mankind limitation, in the form of a certain peculiar external isolating shell around the common fateful line of all people living on Earth, specifically fencing mankind from the surrounding World of Harmony.
33. Where the more impermeable the isolation, the less vitality mankind manifests.
34. If we continue this figurative consideration, we should note, that inside this common isolating outer shell there is a certain amount of conditional thin threads of the innumerable multitude of living human fates, unified mainly among themselves in various large social groups with their own peculiar, isolating from the other similar groups outer shell.
35. This isolation is being formed by the collective egoism of state character.
36. Inside these great organisations can also be seen various amount of combinations of “threads”, less in number, already with their own peculiar isolating shells, formed by the collective egoism of tribal, political, religious groups. And this consideration can be continued.
37. For one of the main characteristic features of egoism inspires one to manifest oneself in an ever-increasing isolation.
38. Though egoism can manifest itself also in striving for unity, if this concerns the satisfaction of the instinct for self-preservation and the more convenient way to obtain such vital necessity and such false values, to get use of which one would like, first of all, individually.
39. The incorrect comprehension of the features of egoism will never allow the diverse human groups and societies to come to a true unity without any isolating shells both inside this unity, and outside it.
40. If each fateful “thread” of this kind is considered not in solid, frozen state, but in fluid state, as the flow of life is called to be, then one can imagine the human fates rushing at different speed in a common current within the limits of the uniform limiting outer shell.
41. Besides, the separate individual, as well as any kind of organisation, are able to create around themselves a peculiar living environment, on which depends their own life acceleration in the common current of negative flow down from the level of the Norm, designed to serve as a beginning of the true development.
42. Each organism of the material World has in its core a certain number of vitally important organs or expressed figuratively definite key points, each of which should be fully engaged in work, what creates a favourable foundation for full-fledged life activity of the organism itself.
43. And accordingly, if one or several such key points would work insufficiently or would not work at all, the vital balance of the organism would be disturbed with a naturally displayed from this inclination of the organism to self-destruction of various strength.
44. Similarly, a parallel can be drawn with the mysteries taking place in the core of the sensual-conscious basis of man, his spiritual world.
45. The more the seeker of Truth independently succeeds to correctly define and use in a worthy way the true key point of the spiritual world, the more the acceleration of the movement in the common current under the conditions of moderate falling begins to slow down.
46. But since till the present Time of the current Accomplishment it has been senseless to reveal the necessary fullness of the true laws of spiritual development due to the unfavourable for this conditions in the sensual-conscious basis of mankind, all attempts of human thought to independently determine the true spiritual key points both through separate worthy toilers of the society, and also through clues on behalf of some representatives of the mobile mind of the Universe, coming to mankind through prophets and other mediators, inevitably resulted in finding an extremely small number of such vitally important for the normal development of man key points.
47. At the same time numerous concepts of moral and ethical character, incompatible with the Truth of Ascent, have been formed, regardless of the fact that the superficial touch with them can show some ostensibly positive shades.
48. Among concepts of this kind there are also those, that can still have an auxiliary effect in the mystery of inhibition at the first stages for the rough inner world of anyone, who is seeking the Truth, helping that person to shift from a state of rougher manifestations to a significantly less rough one.
49. But such concepts cannot participate in the right formation and full-fledged development of the sensual-conscious basis of man.
50. At that, it is important to note that it is exactly the concepts of moral and ethical character, not corresponding to the Truth and abundantly formed in various religious-philosophical associations, that mainly constitute the characteristic features of the difference of all these associations among themselves.
51. On the basis of such concepts there is brightly manifested the egoistic jealousy for certain “own” faith, which is often displayed in the form of extreme untidiness.
52. And precisely such concepts in the first place are the stumbling block hindering the process of ever-greater unity, which was intended to be natural for all who seek the Truth of God in a righteous manner.
53. Only the correctly determined vitally important for the normal development of man spiritual key points are displayed by the most similar understanding in all religious-philosophical associations.
54. But what has been found is so little, that it is insufficient even for reaching the limit of the specific in this regard balance, at which the mentioned life acceleration – in the common stream in conditions of a moderate falling – would disappear for everyone who has reached this limit in spiritual development.
55. Though certain methodological recommendations, introduced by the inanimate representatives of the mobile mind of the Universe through some Eastern conditional spiritual practices, have been designed to help those who fully dedicate themselves to the comprehension of these characteristic recommendations in allegedly reaching the limit of such balance.
56. But not through including the necessary number of spiritual key points into full-fledged work, but through an attempt to completely switch-off the whole inner sensual world of man from the life-activity predetermined for him by the Great God.
57. Only in this case those, who are really able to fully implement such methodological recommendations, will artificially raise themselves to the level of the Norm as if along the same fateful life-line which, manifesting itself, will lead to the place from which a thorough comprehension of such specific spiritual practice began.
58. Where by artificial raising and holding one’s inner world in the state of a certain level, is meant only a conscious-volitional effort.
59. But it would be more accurate to characterise this artificial lifting as a peculiar return to the initial state, similar to the one, with which a man has entered life, being incarnated into a newly born baby, but with a certain already accumulated abnormal life experience.
60. And this means, that his inner quality still continues to preserve all that predisposition to do mistakes, which he had already done in life before beginning to master the characteristic practical exercises recommended by a certain Eastern spiritual philosophy.
61. For a qualitative, precisely spiritual necessary modification of the inner world of man will never take place under such conditions.
62. And if one ceases doing these conscious-volitional exercises, he will very quickly get back to repeating the same mistakes which still remain inherent to him.
63. Continuing the diligent performance of such exercises is not just able to prevent from further accumulating of negative experience, but also – since the full dedication to perceiving the mentioned methodological recommendations diverts from a full-fledged participation in the sensual manifestations of the surrounding human society – the one who perceives these recommendations loses the possibility to walk the Road of spiritual development, predestined precisely for man.
64. Because everything, which is now to be found in the essence of man, is being sort of conserved by definite conscious-volitional exercises, meticulously practiced by him.
65. In this condition – which from all practitioners approach only an extremely limited number, for this above all means the fullest possible removal from the world, that for the majority in the positive sense happens to be unreachable task – emerges an opportunity to modify the sensually-conscious basis the way it proceeds in the inanimate bearers of the versatile mind of the Universe.
66. But in this case the opportunity to be formed, to develop oneself and to fulfil the necessary mission which was predestined for the whole human race by the Great Heavenly Father, is completely lost.