Chapter 8

So, the first incarnations took place, and the young human civilisation unknowingly entered into the mystery of self-determination.

2. The Great Father has seen that the young mankind – out of ignorance of the essence of what was being created – confidently planted the grain of global egoism, which personifies the essence of the inevitable tragic future process of formation.

3. After which, naturally, there has been chosen a direction of development whose characteristic feature are the scientific and technical achievements.

4. But if for the representatives of the mobile mind of the Universe this is the single primary road of development, then precisely for mankind such a road has become a deadlock.

5. All the more, an extremely dangerous role should inevitably play the fact that the fruits of the scientific and technical achievements man should necessarily direct to the satisfaction of the natural instinctive egoistic needs.

6. But nothing could be done in this connection, for this was the normal result of interlacing the spiritual peculiarities of the soul which had not yet acquired the necessary strength, and the peculiarities of the natural laws of the flesh.

7. The grain was planted, and from it very quickly reached out an ugly tree with numerous poisonous fruits, which no one in the Universe needed.

8. Some of these fruits are being eaten by mankind itself, while actively proving to each other in every possible way the importance of such eating,

9. Although after each such fruit is eaten, man gets sick with ever more intractable diseases leading to self-destruction of a great number of people, drowning in loud groans.

10. And the remaining untouched part of the fruit falls to the ground around the tree of lies, poisoning it more and more.

11. And from ancient times it has already become clear that whatever bulky this tree succeeded to grow, having poisoned its underlying basis, it will on its own inevitably lead itself to self-destruction.

12. Such a fateful milestone for human civilisation has long been known as a peculiar threshold, established by the Harmony, beyond which the human society – with its former characteristic quality of life-activity – should not pass.

13. But in addition to what was pre-determined by the Great God, some complicating events began to take place in the life-activity of human civilisation.

14. One of them arose naturally on the basis of the law established in the Universe, concerning the efforts on behalf of the Mind of the Universe to help the young, beginning their development civilisations of the mobile mind,

15. Where the form of life-activity of one of them seriously puzzled the representatives of the Mind of the Universe.

16. Thereafter all kinds of moral and ethical concepts and norms, which the extraterrestrial mind has been able to comprehend as the most favourable in your life for a given period of time, have begun to be introduced into your consciousness from various sides.

17. Further on, the transformation, which you have undergone from the perception of what had been sent from above, has been observed; and taking into account the character of the deviations naturally occurring in your manifestations, some new teaching has been subsequently sent down.

18. In this way, every succeeding mystico-religious teaching has been introduced into the life of your society with the obligatory consideration of the shortcomings noticed during the formation of the previous teachings.

19. Where your peculiarly working mind bizarrely perverts the sent down concepts and norms in favour of its own egoism.

20. And since two different interests of two different directions of the extraterrestrial mind intersected on your civilisation, quite soon the fruits of these different efforts began to affect your life-activity.

21. The non-normal formation of the society inevitably brought your relations to definite intractable circumstances, related to the difficulties, which are naturally occurring in such conditions, in obtaining and supplying each other with the products needed in life.

22. Using skillfully the given emerging difficulties in the rapidly growing disparate societies and considering correctly the typical deviations that are brightly displayed in your activity, one of the directions of the extraterrestrial mind helped you come to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce into your relations some conditional values, with the help of which you can easily obtain what you want.

23. At that point your mind was incapable to assess properly what was actually hidden behind the emerging in your consciousness by that time, in your view, clever ideas.

24. And the abilities of the mind, being a servant of the rapidly growing egoism, could easily afterwards assess that the one who owns the largest amount of these conditional values obtains the greatest possibilities to satisfy all the instinctive egoistic needs in any desirable form.

25. And since these needs are the primary vitally important goals of the whole emerging young civilisation, the striving to acquire big amounts of conditional values should inevitably become the main goal in the life of each of you.

26. Moreover, under certain conditions these imaginary values could be easily accumulated, far from always applying painstaking daily physical efforts.

27. The introduction of such kind of values was akin to the injection of hyperactive fertiliser in the soil, out of which the ugly tree of global egoism was already successfully rising.

28. This event became a significant phenomenon, giving rise to serious challenges impeding the formation of mankind on the road of self-determination.

29. The extraterrestrial mind had the ability to calculate well in advance the probability of the emergence of a threshold on the road of becoming of the young mankind, during which the fate of the society of strange representatives of the mobile mind, living on Earth, would be finally decided.

30. And then the representatives of one of the directions of the extraterrestrial mind consciously came to the decision to try to provide the necessary assistance to your society, so that when you approach the threshold established by the Harmony, you would be able to continue development.

31. The representatives of the other direction – regarding your existence – had goals of a different meaning.

32. Then, in contrast to the well-intentioned efforts of the representatives of the first direction, the representatives of the other stream, using the same peculiarities related to you, made efforts designed to neutralise the effects of the fruits of the well-intentioned efforts.

33. Consequently, on the basis of the skillful use of the abnormally flaring egoistic pretensions for might, honour and power, in your life have begun to emerge all sorts of mystical unions,

34. In whose representatives’ consciousness have been introduced perverted to stupidity concepts of God and His servants.

35. And since with the help of the extraterrestrial world in such unions have been allowed some simple energetic games, plunging man into superstitious thrill, a tenable argument has thereby been given to all this nonsense, shaped into an ideological “secret” teaching.

36. As a rule, in such cases, you are very much inclined to trust the ongoing.

37. Along with such big and small phenomena, a lot of impacts on the emerging religious associations have also been taking place.

38. But the main attention of the extraterrestrial mind that confronts you is not directed to the field of mystical and religious ideologies,

39. Which on the basis of the laws of egoism quickly divide within themselves into streams of different meaning, neutralising in this way the beneficial effect of the teaching itself.

40. After which the representatives of every stream confidently believe that they understand certain parts of the teaching presumably better than all the others, and so they have supposedly more possibilities in moving forward and in salvation;

41. Which makes you primarily slaves of the darkness, even if in this case you continue to sincerely consider yourselves believers.

42. The extraterrestrial mind that confronts you directed its main attention to the field of your relations with each other in everyday life, where certain conditional values were successfully introduced and developed into concepts of all kinds of monetary units.

43. This field, according to the calculations of the given extraterrestrial mind, was giving almost full guarantee that the enslaved mankind would be easily brought to self-destruction, without breaking at that the existing law of the universal Mind, forbidding the open active interference in the life-activity of any civilisation of the mobile mind in violation of the freedom of choice of this developing civilisation.

44. And in this case there was not forcible introduction of the monetary units and the system managing their turnover.

45. You had the full freedom of choice whether to use or not the idea which occurred into your consciousness on this occasion.

46. But you not only took this idea, but after a while you also readily applied all your mental and physical capabilities to its realisation and development.

47.  For it is your egoism that first of all became extremely interested in this.

48. And the mind – obedient to the egoism – easily appreciated the great perspectives for satisfaction of the needs of the one, in whose favour all reasonable capabilities were being used.

49. Because, if in natural conditions the greatest honour – and therefore capabilities to satisfy in the best way the instinctive egoistic needs – can possess only the one who is given by Nature the best personal qualities, then the great amount of monetary units, which supposedly can anyone obtain, enables likewise the satisfaction of the instinctive egoistic needs without any regard to the personal merits.

50. Soon it became evident that where the conditional values were successfully introduced into your life-activity, you began to think of the opportunities to obtain these values much more than of ideas with religious motives which you, for conscience’ sake, continued to talk about as something vitally important in life.

51. It was clearly seen that no matter how one speaks about his religious manifestation, he would in the first place worship the material values.

52. And despite the pompous contempt with which you might speak about money, the life-activity would be built precisely in complete dependence on the system of the monetary units,

53. At the same time, obediently forming the living arrangement in a way, when each representative of the society would be put in complete dependence on the need to be continuously concerned how to acquire more and more of these conditional values.

54. Does this dependence not resemble the leash, on which the donkey walks around a pole fixed by somebody into the ground?

55. Where the only direction to follow endlessly and freely – that is moving around in a circle.

56. But no matter how long you might walk around, you will always stay at the same spot, near that same pole.

57. The children of God are called to know just one “leash” – when your hands are embedded in the Hand of God, your Heavenly Father,

58. Who always leads along the direct Road, where the Sun never sets and the darkness never overcomes the Light.

59. You are not alone in the face of dangers and great difficulties.

60. Neither nowadays nor in all the days of the unsightly history of formation of your civilisation have you been left by your God.

61. It only seems to you that the Heavenly Father does not see you and does not act.

62. And this is so, because you always demand from Him what is not inherent to Him and what in fact is not good for you.

63. But now you are supposed to learn more broadly the truths about some great mysteries.

64. Many truths, kept so far out of necessity in the great Book sealed with seven seals.

65. And here the Hour has struck, completing the long-time wait.

66. And may those who listen heed the Voice that is reading the open Pages!