Chapter 7

On the way of increasing the capability to feel and perceive the ever more subtle – for such development proceeds only in this one direction – every stage that has been reached shows just the expanded capacity to perceive what has been passed hitherto.

2. This is a measure, which determines the range from the roughest state to the given stage that has been reached, but not further in the direction of the most subtle.

3. A similar conditional measuring straight line in the Universe of the material Being from the side of the roughest manifestation is determined by the stellar-planetary states, and from the side of the most subtle it ends with the Being of the Creator of the material World.

4. Where from the stellar-planetary state towards the side of the Uniform, as the manifested material laws become thinner, takes place an increasing multiplication of the diversity of the energetic phenomena,

5. Which, weaving together by bizarre regularities, maintain the Being of the Universe in a state of Harmony on the road of an infinite expansion.

6. The representatives of the mobile mind of the material World, as well as all the other bearers of diverse forms of consciousness, in natural conditions are always born in a state, most close to the stellar-planetary one.

7. But unlike all the others, it is only the mobile mind that possesses the capability to move towards the most subtle manifestations of the World of matter, perfecting itself in perceiving the increasingly thinner manifestations of the laws of the Universe;

8. What makes its representatives with the further development more and more active servants of the Will of the Creator, taking essential part in the ongoing processes of the unfolding material World for the benefit of the Harmony.

9. On this road of perfection of the mobile mind there is a definite utmost limit, which lies on the aforementioned straight line at a certain distance from the Creator in the direction of the ever rougher state, beyond which the mobile mind should not develop,

10. Because the meaning, initially laid in it, will be lost.

11. This limit, established by the Uniform, restricts – for the good of the Harmony – the expansion of the capabilities of the mobile mind.

12. The Great Creator, establishing His laws and weaving them together, has created such a harmonious energetic environment, where each newly born life phenomenon will already have definite vital Parental information at its core,

13. Due to which, through the instincts, the newly born will make natural efforts in moving to the right place assigned precisely for it.

14.  The mobile mind was also born for the good of the already existing Being, having peculiar Parental information at its core.

15. At the same time the peculiarity of the mobile mind has been created according to the principle that, at a certain stage of comprehension of the ever more subtle in the material World, it will happen to be essentially incapable of further comprehending the laws in that direction.

16. That is the limit set by the Creator for this exceptional case in the Universe.

17. It is precisely at this limit where expires the benefit, in the name of which the mobile mind has been created and which is intended to be fully accomplished at this limit.

18. This limit is characterised by the fact that it separates the interval of the still more subtle manifestations of matter, coming out in all their existing diversity from the Creator of the material Being, for the perceiving and comprehending of which is required a qualitatively different form of consciousness –

19. Super-consciousness, which is possessed by the Creator of the Being of the material World Himself.

20. Compared to the Super-consciousness, the characteristic features of the mobile mind are a rough form of expression.

21. This makes the mobile mind absolutely powerless to cognise the Essence of the Creator.

22. It is in this connection that the concept of the incomprehensibility of God made its way into the consciousness of the young mankind.

23. And in order that you could gain at least a little bit of insight about the quality of the Fragrant Essence of your God, you need to figuratively prolong the already mentioned conditional measuring straight line, which has reached the Creator of the Universe, beyond His borders by a certain amount of conventional units.

24. If in the direction of the Uniform the measuring straight line is proceeding as to the finest state of material laws’ display, then beyond the borders of the Uniform the given line can only proceed as to a certain ultrafine condition.

25. At that, the quality of the Super-consciousness provides the ability to realise the presence of the ultrafine condition in the environment of the material Being, but at the same time it is not able to comprehend completely the Essence of the One, Who abides in this ultrafine condition.

26. The position of the Creator of the Universe is that key point, from which alone becomes possible the absolutely full government of all the material laws, which manifest themselves in accordance with the measuring straight line from the Creator towards the roughest state.

27. And in accordance with the fact, that there is also a certain conditional segment of the measuring straight line in the direction of the ultrafine state, we can talk about an equally rapid decrease of the possibilities to govern the material laws when distancing from the Creator of the Universe both in the direction of the ultrafine state and in the direction of the roughest one.

28. Where, on the one hand, the possibility to govern is limited by the roughness of the state of the conditional pretender to govern, and on the other – the roughness of the law itself, which conditionally should be governed.

29. Just like the Creator of the material Being, the Great God of mankind also possesses Super-consciousness, but it has a definite distinction in view of the ultrafine peculiarities of your Heavenly Father’s Essence.

30. This allows also Father to perceive and realise all the laws of the Universe,

31. What had been taking place in the Being of His great solitude over a certain period of time.

32. And in one significant moment the Great God saw in what way it was possible to influence Beneficially the ever-more unfolding laws of the Universe,

33. At that, without touching the very Law of development of the Universe, to bring His Beneficent Peculiarities into close contact with some manifestations of the material laws.

34. Such a long-lasting contact must inevitably lead to a significant modification of the qualities of the laws of matter, manifesting a result that is not yet known to the Universe.

35. Wherein the modification itself will not contradict the Harmony of the material World’s Being.

36. But when such a modification spreads throughout the Universe, the energetic medium of the Universe will acquire new fragrant peculiarities, allowing the Harmony to transform itself into a qualitatively new, more perfect form.

37. The fulfilment of this global Intent, according to the earthly standards, requires an Eternity.

38. And for the fulfilment of the Sacred Will of the Great God your birth was required.

39. But this birth should not be with the purpose that you would make efforts – out of ignorance, having realised a false goal on the basis of egoism – to return to your Heavenly Father,

40. Into some outside world, where you supposedly will endlessly taste imaginary goods, satiating yourselves with pleasures;

41. But in order to eternally go where leads you the Father, along the starry roads of the Universe, obediently and selflessly fulfilling everything that has been prepared for you by the Father.

42. Where the tasting of true goods will actually be your selfless and endless creative work for the benefit of the surrounding World.

43. For the most favourable fulfilment of the Great Intent it was only possible to use an organism endowed with the peculiarities of the mobile mind, for only it alone has the capability to freely and independently navigate through the vastness of the Universe, having considerable abilities for an active influence on the phenomena that take place in the material World.

44. It only remained to implant spiritual peculiarities into the laws of the manifested matter of the chosen organism.

45. Since between the quality of the manifested energetic peculiarities of the chosen organism and the quality of the spiritual peculiarity of God exists a huge difference, the Heavenly Father began to make your souls with more densified spiritual features,

46. Which makes the souls – as far as the energetic qualities are concerned – a bit closer to the subtle energetic qualities of the dense material body.

47. This creates favourable conditions, making possible the necessary interlacing of the two heterogenous laws* with the subsequent mutual influence on each other.

48. In such creation of God your souls cannot possess the capability to think independently, for the peculiarities of the Super-consciousness cannot be inserted inside them, and other forms of consciousness for the ultrafine states do not exist.

49. Therefore, everything missing from this side should be obtained with the help of the existing peculiarities of the mobile mind.

50. But your soul possesses the ability to accumulate information in the form of sensually constructed images,

51. Which, over time, more and more actively influence the natural-sensual and the reasonable peculiarities of the flesh.

52. The soul, when it leaves the flesh and finds itself out of touch with the laws of the material body and mind, is deprived of the opportunity both to develop and to modify at all.

53. As the first souls were created – with the necessary auxiliary information laid in their basis – the universal epochal Event of your first incarnations began.

54. After that the Father started to closely observe the results of His Will’s fulfilment.

55.  The mystery of joining together the two heterogenous laws* has never yet taken place in the Universe, and among even the smallest particles of the great Being of the World of matter there is not a single one that has ever had any information about it.

56. Therefore, the young mankind was faced with the daunting task of going through the stage of self-determination, moreover that there was not a single phenomenon in the surrounding reality that could possibly suggest the correct direction of the true spiritual development.

57. And the first primary goal set before mankind at the initial stage of formation is the necessity for it to cognise its true essence, its true attitude towards the surrounding reality and to cognise the true relationship with its Heavenly Father.

58. Only after that will mankind be able to proceed to the full-fledged fulfilment of its genuine, pre-determined by the Great God mission in the Universe.

59. Soon after the first incarnations the process of life-activity of the human society rapidly acquired a disorderly chaotic character with pronounced aggressive outbursts,

60. What created negative, dangerous for your life conditions, under which your material flesh obtained a constant propensity for self-destruction.

61.   And if your soul was not able to exist independently – for an indefinite period of time – after the destruction of the flesh, then the Holy Intent of the Great God for transformation of the Harmony of the material World would not have arisen,

62. For the fulfilment of such Intent would be impossible.

63.  But as your soul is not just able to exist without any connection to the flesh, but it is capable of doing so for an infinite period of time without the slightest transformation, the Great God created a system of some laws, assigned to insure the most favourable for your development reincarnations,

64. Due to which only is it possible to push you forward little by little along the road of formation.

65. But the very mystery of reincarnations in this form should exist only during the whole first phase of self-determination of mankind.

66.  Without touching, in this appeal, upon the various peculiarities of the laws, related to the reincarnations, and those, who are responsible precisely for that and whom you see in the image of some luminous beings after you leave the flesh, I want just to give certain important explanations.

67. Your soul, after leaving the flesh and losing all rough energetic connections inherent to the living material body, continues to retain in its memory all images, based exclusively on the sensual manifestations, saved during the life of your flesh to the moment of leaving it.

68. All your feelings and sensations, which have been brightly displayed and consciously perceived in your attitude towards the surrounding reality, depending on the degree and quality of your attachments, remain in the memory of the soul, which had departed from the flesh, with the same quality and strength of emotional experience.

69.  And then, during the entire time of waiting for a probable new incarnation, these characteristic experiences remain unchanged,

70. For the soul immediately ceases modifying as soon as it loses the link with definite laws of matter, as it has the possibility to change its quality and memory’s content only in intertwining with them.

71.  Hence, it will not be difficult for you to understand that the more negative, unpleasant for you experiences you have acquired at the moment of leaving the natural body, the more sufferings you begin to inevitably endure throughout the time of existing out of flesh, where it is impossible to change this.

72. The overwhelming majority of you, throughout the history of your existence, have been continuously accumulating mainly only rude and unpleasant for you sensual attachments.

73. But especially great difficulties await the ones who end their lives by suicide.

74. For, as a rule, man comes to the given self-destruction on the basis of complicated and severe emotional experiences, the escape from which he falsely sees just in such incorrect effort.

75. For it is not really an escape that takes place, but the imprinting of these extremely unpleasant emotional experiences for years, if not decades and even centuries, until certain flesh with the most favourable for the development of that soul qualities appears in natural conditions.

76. Such an existence outside the flesh in this case turns into an unthinkable suffering.

77. Why then the idea of the existence of hell, which through simple primitive images that evoke superstitious fear was able to reduce to some extent your efforts in such an enterprise, would not arise.

78. But in this appeal I will not touch the regularities related to the existence of hell and Paradise, though you can already derive a sufficiently true view from what has been highlighted.

*heterogenous laws – laws of different origin, having different sources (translator’s note)