Without going into too many details in this appeal, for this should be the next step, I will briefly touch upon a number of fundamental root peculiarities, giving you the right direction.
- All the rest will be determined mainly by your choice which, according to the Law, is forever free.
- Life activity of the material organisms of the plant and animal worlds, as well as your material body, is based on the tri-unity of the instincts: self-preservation, self-sufficiency and procreation.
- In order to hold these aspects under a certain vitally important control, the living organisms necessarily have consciousness.
- Where, depending on the need, the consciousness can be of varying degree of complexity.
- In the representatives of the plant world the consciousness is displayed at a very simple and primitive level.
7. According to the fact that the plants do not need to regularly move in search of favourable conditions for satisfying their instincts, their consciousness does not concentrate in any definite point, taking a definite part of the material body.
- Plants’ consciousness exists as an energetic field surrounding one organism or another, and acts in interconnection with certain information of the cells of the roots, stems, leaves and so on, as well as with the identical fields of the neighbouring plants.
- The life activity of the representatives of the animal world proceeds in more complicated conditions.
- Because, for the satisfaction of their instincts, there are not always favourable conditions around them.
- And then, in search of such conditions, various moves are needed, with a deeper comprehension of the received information through the natural sensitive peculiarities.
- Consciousness has been in a specific way concentrated in the animal’s head, for the most harmonious comprehension of that kind of the incoming information.
- Your natural body does not differ fundamentally from animal’s organism, but unlike the animal’s body, it has much more complicated variety of capabilities; and what is in your head are truly wonderful gifts,
- To learn to use which in the right way became for you an extremely difficult task.
- But to obtain more clarity, it is needed to examine a bit further the similarity between the peculiarities of your material body and the body of the animal.
- Your body, as the one of the animal, is shrouded in a specific force field, similar to the way a plant is shrouded, but these fields have an essential difference.
- For the plant has a field consciousness, and in your physical bodies and the bodies of the animals these are subtle sensitive peculiarities, having only information about your characteristic quality,
- What helps you to interact with a great variety of similar fields of the whole physical world that surrounds you within the reach of your field.
- And the more developed the field, the more opportunities to perceive the surrounding reality, imprinting it with your consciousness and comprehending it with the mind which you possess at the moment.
- That fields are surrounding your flesh with some variety, and it is in these energetic peculiarities where the secret of your natural intuition should be sought for,
- Which is knowledge inside you, but is not connected with your mind.
- For your body acquires the major part of such knowledge before the young mind of the born flesh begins to develop in direct comprehension of the incoming information from the rough contact of the young organism with the surrounding reality, through sight, hearing, smell, taste and other touches by the different parts of the body.
- From time to time in the course of your life, you are often amazed to learn that the surrounding reality, visible to your eyes, is much richer than what you have considered quite well-known.
- And it is the tiny cells of your flesh that know a lot about this richness.
- But you have not yet learnt to talk to them, otherwise they could have told you quite a lot about the great World, built by The Creator.
- The tiny cells of your flesh know all the laws which surround it, regardless of the fact whether your consciousness captures these laws or not.
- Therefore, as soon as the informational field of the cell experiences the active manifestation of one or another external law, you can feel a vague understanding of something familiar.
- Although the forming consciousness has not yet registered such phenomena and does not have the necessary images in order to make any conclusion.
- Along with the manifestations of the regularities of the natural intuition, you are also endowed, as unique beings in the Universe, with the manifestations of a peculiar spiritual intuition.
- But these are already manifestations of regularities of a different kind.
- The energetic fields, which are shrouding – not in a uniform amount and variety – your natural flesh and the flesh of the animals, contain also such a peculiarity which after the death of the flesh, for a definite period of time, holds its exact copy,
- That in all respects can be called a double, but with already lost possibilities for development.
- These fields, still continuing their existence, contain not only all the information about every single cell of the body, but they also hold in the form of energy the consciousness, with all stored information about the life lived in the material body.
- Further on, in the course of a certain number of days, a period of disintegration of the force outlines comes, after which all the information, concerning the former organism, joins the common information stored by the more powerful Force of Mother-Earth.
- The features of the material laws, which I just mentioned, are typical not only for your flesh and the animals’ bodies, but they are in exactly the same way typical for any representative of the extraterrestrial world, regardless of their level of development.
- For these laws are essentially uniform for the whole Universe.
- But the representatives of the extraterrestrial mind, being at higher stages of development in the domain of the laws of matter and mind, using a certain effect on the material energetic shells, are able to prolong the life of the dense body to very long time intervals,
- Which can exceed hundreds of thousands of terrestrial years.
- But, nevertheless, the end of this life comes, after which just the accumulated information of one or another organism, that had already lived, remains in the memory of the Planet, where this life has ended.
- These characteristics of the material laws are never reborn into a new dense body, for every newly born flesh has already naturally its similar peculiarity, inextricably linked with the formation of the new organism from the cellular level at the time of conception.
- The capability of rebirth can possess only something which has its own individuality, not connected essentially to the forming material body and which certainly does not have any of the existing in the Universe forms of consciousness;
- Because the combination of two different forms of consciousness in one organism is never harmonious, for it inevitably leads to the suppression of one consciousness by the other.
- And organisms which do not possess any form of consciousness are never born in the Universe of the material Being.
- The regularities of reincarnation are not needed in the Harmony of the material World at all, and for this reason they are not initially foreseen by the Creator of the material Being in any natural manifestations of the material laws.
- Along with the above mentioned laws in the Universe exist two qualitatively different forms of consciousness: planetary Consciousness and the consciousness of those, who are born and bloom on the Planet.
- At the same time among those who are born on the Planet there can be either one of the forms of mind’s manifestation, or two: the ordinary form of development and the mobile one.
- Your material body and all creatures similar to you from the extraterrestrial worlds possess a mobile mind, and all the representatives of the animal world belong to the other form of mind’s development.
- The mobile mind is characterised by activities which are absolutely not related to the life-activities of the material body to which it belongs.
- Its capabilities can be not constrained by the narrow focus of finding the most rational ways to satisfy the instincts.
- The mobile mind perceives and aims to cognise the surrounding reality not only in connection with the vital activities of the material body of its bearer, but also without any connection to them,
- Wherein it often pursues the knowledge about something which is practically unnecessary for the life of the flesh, overcoming the effect of the law of self-preservation in the form of signals for a probable danger.
- The animals take a similar step, overcoming the signal of danger, only when they have an extreme need to satisfy one instinct or another.
- The living organisms of the World of the Universe are set on two peculiar foundations: sensory peculiarities and peculiarities of thinking.
- The sensory peculiarities of the animal world – both the rough ones, which refer to the direct contact of the flesh with the dense objects of the surrounding world, and the subtle ones, which come into contact with the energetic manifestations of that same environment – are meant for perceiving the surrounding reality in order to determine in it what is designed to satisfy the call of the instinct.
- Thinking in this case helps either to find the best way to get closer to what the animal is seeking, or to move away in the best possible way from what is not wanted.
- The sensory peculiarities of the representatives of the mobile mind are much richer and diverse, which allows them to perceive the surrounding reality most broadly.
- And the reasonable peculiarities have the greatest capabilities of assessing the surrounding reality, which makes it possible to cognise all the laws of the material world in the most precise manner.
- Further on, it is necessary to pay attention to the manifestations of some characteristic peculiarities, inherent to all representatives of the mobile mind of the Universe, separately from the manifestation of the characteristic features which once, unexpectedly for everyone, were displayed in the Universe through you
- And became characteristic manifestations inherent only to you.
- The representatives of the extraterrestrial mobile mind never use any of the sensory peculiarities, meant for perceiving the surrounding reality, for the well-known to you process of admiring.
- All these features with the help of an artificial effort are subdued to support the law of development of the Mind only.
- At the initial stage of formation of the young organism of a separate individuality, as well as the young civilisation as a whole, when the young mind is still just beginning to get acquainted with the surrounding reality, in the organism of the representative of the mobile mind prevails the voice of the instincts, similar to what happens in the animals.
- But unlike the animals, there are capabilities to approach the necessary satisfaction in a much more convenient and rational way.
- In due course, influenced by initially pre-determined regularities, the attention is being naturally shifted towards the fruits of mind’s activity.
- After which comes the final realisation of the main goal of existence in an activity on the road of development of the mind.
- Wherein, from a certain stage of development and until the end of the life-activity of the material basis, the satisfaction of the instincts will be given the least possible, strictly measured attention.
- It will be manifested as a working effort in times of extreme, vitally important necessity.
- Along with this, all emotional manifestations will also be artificially reduced to extremely weak fluctuations.
- Because, according to the law of development of the Mind, the presence of bright emotional peculiarities will always create attachments and dislike, and that will hinder the rational life-activity and will not allow the manifestation of the steady regularities of the straight-line development,
- And will also inevitably create extremely dangerous conditions in the existence of those who have enormous technical and energetic capabilities.
- All the rest of the sensory peculiarities will be developed,
- With their help the mind will be able to penetrate much deeper into the laws of the material Being, cognising them.
- The constant aspiration to cognise is a consequence of the main driver in the development of the mind: curiosity.
- It is endlessly pushing the mind towards logical consideration of everything unknown that occurs on the road which a certain organism is following.
- The limits of such cognition in “depth” can only be the borders, set by the Creator of the material Being, and in “width” – only the boundaries of the Universe itself.
- Such cognition does not take place just for the sake of cognition, because, depending on some elementary laws, once on the road of cognition surely appears the conscious necessity to intervene – at the techno-energetic level – in the process of certain unfolding events, both for the benefit of one’s own civilisation and for another’s as well.
- Where the criterion for benefit is defined by the capacity of the mind at the given period of time and the existing generally accepted laws which have already been formulated.
- One characteristic feature in the life-activity of such civilisations, that have reached the normal level of development, is the ability – with any essential quantity of selected representatives of a certain civilisation – to always quickly determine one most rational solution of any vital issue,
- After which all the representatives of this civilisation, without exception, will unconditionally take a step corresponding to the found solution.
- But not because all the rest of the representatives of such society are strictly trained in an unconditional submission to the solution, found by some small elite group,
- For each representative of all those civilisations has a complete freedom of choice, and no one dares to break this Law of the Universe.
- In order to solve one arising question or another, at a particular moment, in the team of the Council are chosen the ones who are the most capable of taking the necessary decisions, and once again – at that particular moment.
- Wherein the greatest capability is really determined by the best quality of the abilities, and not by the primitive actions related to the quality of the election campaign which is conducted.
- All the rest of the representatives of the civilisation refer to the elected Council with the completely realised understanding, that the Council is really capable of finding the most reasonable solution.
- And no one will take a different step already from the mere realisation that it will be worse.
- In this way the development of the civilisation is always straight-forward, and not swinging side to side, when every little separate group of one civilisation is taking an independent step at its own discretion.
- With this brief touch upon some regularities in the development of the representatives of the Mind of the material World, where nowadays a multitude of diverse civilisations exist at various levels of development, I have shown the natural way of flourishing, along which on Mother-Earth should have inevitably stepped your young civilisation, if you – by the Will of The Heavenly Father, the One Living God – had not acquired these physical bodies and united in a wonderful mystery, manifesting yourselves as human kind.
- The well-known to all of you image of a tree, living on Earth, can serve very well for the figurative conveyance of many laws.
- So, the law of development of the Mind in the material Universe can also be described as a tree, where there is a root, a stem, the first thick branches deviating from the stem and further on, as they become thinner, increasing in number.
- And all this is eventually strewn with an infinite variety of leaves, unrepeatable in their diversity.
- And, with whatever bizarre diversity the leaves and branches of the reasonable material World may stand out, they are all based on the common law of the root, out of which comes the common powerful stem.
- Being aware of your still natural inclination to look for the basis in the crown of the tree, among the rustling leaves which are continuously moving in the breath of wayward flows, I briefly touched upon the stem and the roots of something that you have to know.
- And in order to continue in the same brief way to touch – with the Light of Truth – upon the roots and the stem, but already of your life as well, it is necessary to touch one more side of the life of the representatives of the mobile mind of the Universe.
- For, acquiring a material body, you became to a certain extent younger brothers in Mind for those numerous and various civilisations that fill the Universe and are much older than you and – in respect of reason – much more developed.
- The specificity of such a law of development has inevitably marked your peculiar way of development, which according to its own law has a root difference.
- And for this reason, the correct explanation of all the regularities which became an integral part of your flourishing, is a vitally important necessity.
- An aspect, which we have to clarify in brief, concerns the conscious understanding by the reasonable world of the Truth of the Creator of the material Being;
- Namely conscious understanding, and not faith or confidence,
- For these regularities are not inherent to the law of development of the Mind.
- The law of developing of the Mind is based primarily on fixing the phenomena in the surrounding reality, that have practically manifested themselves in one way or another, and further – on the logical comprehension of the essence of these phenomena and the laws of interconnection with the phenomena which have been previously registered and preliminary considered;
- After that such information is placed in the memory storage, continuing the accumulation of knowledge.
- Information that needs re-consideration is waiting for the hour, when a newly appearing successive peculiarity of the reality will be able to bring something that has been insufficient for a wider and deeper reflection on the stored information which over time increasingly becomes an accurate knowledge.
- The young mind of the newly born material body begins its vital activity with a random fixing and accumulating of the appearing in the reality facts which the young organism is able to perceive.
- Further on, the regularities which connect the various phenomena and their mutual influence on each other are noted, thus encompassing deeper and wider the laws of the material World.
- At first the comprehension takes place unsystematically, but in due time these actions are brought into full compliance with the laws of logic: precisely organised, cool, rational thinking.
- The mentioning of the word “cool” implies a thinking activity against the background of an absolutely neutral inner sensual attitude towards the captured phenomena of the ongoing reality.
- The vast and varied world of the Mind of the Universe is well aware of the existence of the Great Creator of the material Being and knows a lot about the laws that He has given the possibility to exist.
- In the process of communication among the different civilisations, when referring to the Creator, one term often occurs – The Uniform.
- For, in truth, for them He is the uniform Creator, on Whose laws their existence entirely depends.
- The World of the Mind does not know what to worship the Creator is, but knows perfectly well the necessity to strictly follow all the laws which are to be faced during all the time of life-activity.
- Wherein, a characteristic feature of the Mind is that if once this necessity has been realised, no one will ever make even the slightest effort to violate these laws,
- And that is, essentially, the criterion for being reasonable.
- The laws do not exist in order that someone would express a certain attitude towards them, but only to be followed.
- The Uniform created the World of material Being, in whose essence all the innumerable variety of laws is interwoven in peculiar Harmony,
- Where Harmony is a personification of the Information for Development.
- And if we look at your flesh, many of you know that it consists of a great variety of small particles.
- All the particles, having the information for development, maintain a force, which keeps them tightly together with each other in a definite, corresponding to the information inside them, order.
- When your organism begins to make efforts, opposite to the motion of the unfolding Harmony, a natural deletion of the information of development in the small particles inevitably begins.
- This weakens the force which holds the particles together and they begin to disintegrate.
- During this period certain disorders begin to emerge in your flesh, showing the striving of the dense body to crumble into small component particles, i.e. dust,
- Which, in its turn, passes into a free energetic condition, devoid of information for densification.
- This kind of manifestations of the law of disintegration, which you – due to false efforts – still constantly experience in your flesh, are not an expression of any anger or discontent of the Great Creator of the material Being;
- For which a wrong understanding occurred in the primitive consciousness of man beginning his development.
- For the expression of anger or any other emotion means to express one’s attitude towards something, which, in fact, is absolutely not inherent to the Truth of the Being of the Uniform.
- In the originally foreseen laws of the development of the material World, the emotional manifestations are only called to play a vitally necessary role in the life activity of the animal world and on the first stages of development of a young civilisation of bearers of the mobile mind.
- The representatives of the Mind of the Universe never make efforts to build up communication with the Uniform, like man tries to do still out of great ignorance.
- The World of the Mind realises very well the absurdity of such an effort, which, naturally, implies the expectation that the Creator of the Universe should make certain efforts, contrary to the laws of Harmony, on which the whole Being has been founded, through the efforts of the Creator Himself.
- Everything that the Great Creator of the material Being wants to say, is always been clothed in a certain form of the material laws of the Universe – both in dense bodies and in the form of energy.
- If you want to hear the Word of the Uniform – look at the stone.
- If you crave to hear a Story, take a look at the mountain chain.
- And if you want to realise the meaning of a Statement – take a close look at the essence of the laws, hidden in the mountain ridges.
- And the Uniform keeps on tirelessly telling everyone on equal terms all the laws of the entire material World.
- No one is forbidden to listen to this Word of the Creator of the material Being.
- The Essence of the Uniform does not have fast-changing peculiarities.
- His smooth Breath exudes in all directions even flows of vital Force from which the Harmony is intended to thrive forever.
- The whole material Universe, down to the tiniest particle, reverently absorbs the life-giving Force, and the prosperity of the whole Being entirely depends on the condition of the Creator of this Being.
- Therefore, if the Uniform was able to get upset by the wrong steps of some handful of pollen in the Universe, then, in truth, the entire Being would start to cry.
- And then, the responsibility for the well-being of the Universe would rest on the shoulders of this small handful of pollen.
- This pollen should not raise itself to the ability of bearing the responsibility for the entire Being of the Universe.
- For not only is it absolutely unable, but it is even unworthy to confuse in any way the Essence of the Creator of the Universe.
- But yet again it is the ignorance of what you are doing that still justifies you.
- An ignorance that has been impossible to make up for, due to a number of reasons, until the days of today.
- For in the case of you everything which is favourable to the mind is far from always favourable to your soul.
- Many spiritual achievements in your life, as a rule, have outwardly appeared unreasonable.
- And the fruits of logic have in many ways led to the loss of true treasures which, even without that, are still not so great in your soul.