Chapter 18

Being awakened by the time of the Hour decisive for the fate of all your race, by the Will of the Great God I have visited many places of your various separate societies, where I have seen one common characteristic form of vital manifestations in all of you, regardless of the belonging to one or another religious teaching, or to any other associations.

2. For the only thing by which the believers now differ in the midst of you is that they perform a definite kind of rituals in addition to their main life-activity which proceeds for all of you according to the same principle.

3. But it is in this main life activity that is shown the real face of each of you without the masks which you put on when visiting churches.

4. And it is sad to look at these faces of yours.

5. For each of you has the same stamp of concern solely about one’s own well-being,

6. No matter what slogans you hide behind and which helm your hands have taken.

7. And all your care for your neighbours is only soap bubbles with iridescent surface,

8. Which captivate your egoism, and you – with an increasingly important look – produce them.

9. But as long as your inner conviction of the paramount importance of the instinctive egoistic satisfaction is there, you can easily be kept on the golden chain with the secure collar.

10. Where from time to time, by changing the length of the chain, your enthusiastic emotions related to the supposedly emerging long-awaited freedom can be incited.

11. It proved difficult for you to assess the true meaning of the material values and especially of something which is essentially hidden into the monetary units.

12. The presence of such nonsense in your life-activity invariably shows the existence of a roughly primitive system of living arrangement of the society –

13. That system, which will always and inevitably forcibly impose hard conditions, under which the predetermined true formation of man cannot take place.

14. For the true law of development of your soul and the life conditions dictated by the existing for thousands of years now – uniform in its essence – living arrangement of the human society, principally act in opposite directions.

15. Therefore, for all your history to this day, only your science and art have considerably modified in development, which is absolutely not an indicator of rapid spiritual development.

16. Whereas the present spiritual level has changed towards development quite insignificantly in relation to your existence in remote antiquity.

17. Just like thousands of years ago, you are easily able to pick up stones and beat your neighbours for affecting your interests.

18. Which is a direct manifestation of a regularity of the wild animal world.

19. This is equally displayed every day of your life among those who worship satan, and exactly in the same way among those who talk about their faith in the Great God, and also among all the others who fit in between these extremes.

20. And such characteristic efforts of yours can be especially brightly observed in the present times of the decisive Event.

21. Where vile slander against each other has been abundantly poured out from your lips, in an attempt to exalt yourselves in the eyes of others, using wild principles.

22. And since it has been pre-determined by the Great God that my Accomplishment will take place on the land of Russia, it is precisely in this society that the events will obtain the most striking character.

23. For the time has come to remove the masks and to show each other your real face. Well, now you have seen.

24. Human hearts have been overflowed with fear and hatred.

25. Noisy efforts have been made on the Russian land by everyone, vying with each other.

26. Where, with slogans about goodness, just as zealously, all kinds of public organisations, communities of sorcerers and magicians and even the Christian Church entered the competition,

27. Applying in this contest one and the same method of self-exaltation: either an overt self-glorification, or rampant denigration of all likely rivals, using at that any thinkable and even unthinkable lie;

28. In which, regrettably, the Christians have shown themselves most actively.

29. Having lost all vigilance, the church ministers of various degrees of honour spread slander both verbally, and also through various writings, hastily covered by the blessing of the patriarch and the ones beneath him.

30. They would not try to comprehend what is hidden in the scriptures revered by them, where among the parables of Solomon rests a precious wisdom: “He that hides hatred has lying lips, and he that utters a slander, is a fool.” (10:18).

31. And what then is the real meaning of a blessed slander?

32. I am very sorry to see all this, abundantly performed by you, children of God, for you are more familiar than the others with the commandments left to you in ancient times.

33. The one who has taken on more will always also be asked for more.

34. Remember that anyone using the regularities of self-exaltation should necessarily undergo a bitter overthrow.

35. But such has been the true essence of your real face at all times of your history.

36. You have always been like that and this is how you manifest yourselves now.

37. But in truth, you will not be like that forever!

38. It is for this reason that the Event for your good is being accomplished today.

39. Though you also splashed out towards my heart which is open to you, all kinds of – never seen by me – slander about me, attributing to me all the vices inherent to your own life.

40. And you parted, playful children, only instead of toys your hands grabbed the deadly.

41. It is time now to open your eyes and increase your vigilance, while what should be considered a head, is still in its place.

42. For this reason time has come, when I have to tell you straight about myself.

43. You are waiting for what has once been Promised, therefore, I have to tell you that the Promised has been Accomplished!

44. I Have Come!

45. And it was in these days, by the Will of my God and yours, that I should tell you openly the Truth about the Father and myself, and about yourself as well.

46. So that in the whirlwind of events awaiting you, until the end, you would keep in mind my News.

47. So that one day I would not hear from you the words: we did not know; we did not hear.

48. But it is still difficult for you to believe me, for you have never known what is the Truth related to this Event.

49. For this reason you are all waiting for an image with qualities invented by you and mainly inherent to you.

50. You, out of ignorance, began to expect the desirable and, naturally, you do not expect what is  due to happen.

51. But is it possible to compose my image from what your head is filled with, anticipating my qualities and, even more so, the peculiarities of my predestined Accomplishment?

52. Would this not be an attempt to create wind or a sunbeam from the iron parts of the constructor set?

53. I do not come to you from the past, which you already have an idea of,

54. But always from the distant future, which you can only dream about, and even then, you inevitably endow all the fabricated images  with your own vices and limitations, inherent to the moment you are in.

55. Do you not raise your name too much, when you zealously strive to judge the unknown?

56. Wouldn’t you all, in this case, turn into dust, if in your blindness you hastily reject the Salvation sent to you?

57. Be extremely vigilant! But only do not confuse your vigilance with superstitious fear.

58. A great Exam has been set before you today by the Father of Truth.

59. I do not yet dear to violate your choice, proving my Truth by an effort dominating your choice.

60. For today this is a vitally important condition for you.

61. And I have not come to satisfy your desires, but to resolutely fulfil the Will of Father.

62. But for now, your desires and Father’s Will are in opposite directions.

63. For thousands of years you have been abundantly expressing your thoughts and desires, inevitably forming the corresponding society which you yourselves fear.

64. Time has now come for me to express my thoughts and wishes as a counterbalance of your integrated uniform thought-sensual environment.

65. Therefore, when I come to you, I naturally oppose myself to your whole world, with all various pranks of yours.

66. But I verily tell you, that your real happiness depends precisely on the fact whether you will aspire to comprehend what is mine!

67. For I always know everything you need and I know all the regularities of your difficulties.

68. You have correctly noted that the well-being of the society depends on the prosperity of each member of this society.

69. But you have absolutely wrongly assessed that the well-being of each member of the society can be achieved by feeding him, dressing him, granting him home and all kinds of amusing attractions which have reached – on the basis of the scientific and technological thought –  a considerably high level nowadays.

70. In this case one can obtain merely an expression of a well-fed smile, resembling the expression of the animals in a rich zoological garden,

71. But absolutely not a true human smile, flourishing on the grounds of the blooming spiritual world.

72. As long as you live in separate divided societies throughout the Earth, which is possible only on the bases of the abnormally blooming egoism, you will always compete with each other.

73. And this is a strong indicator that your spiritual state keeps you at a level, somewhere close to the level of manifestations of the animal world.

74. That inevitably dictates definite conditions for building the living arrangement of your society, where should be established all kinds of unions and organisations, which in essence not only are senseless in relation to the proper development of man, but also prevent this development.

75. And this obstacle to the proper development compels the society still to stay at the same low primitive level,

76. Despite the turbulent, at times, modifications in science and arts.

77. But precisely these indicators are the fruits of your increased thinking abilities and capabilities of the flesh.

78. And though the qualities of your soul play undoubtedly a significant role in the development of arts, taking into account that your spiritual world is still at an extremely low level, it can be confidently said that your arts are phenomena which have not yet been manifested in a worthy way.

79. If we look directly at the essence of what is happening, then so far you show yourselves as some, one-sidedly more developed, bizarre animals.

80. Where with the help of the head you can create a lot of diverse – noisy and useless for the true development – fireworks, but where the very capabilities of your head happened to be unable to take you out of the animal-like condition.

81. At the same time, based on the efforts of that same head, you have stepped out of Harmony so much, that, according to this criterion, you stand much lower than the whole animal world.

82. Although your head, in principle, is not guilty.

83. For in the conditions for which the peculiarities of the mobile mind have been created, they work perfectly.

84. But you, due to your natural emotional sensual characteristics, have imposed on the mind an influence which it basically has not been designed for.

85. It is just as if a certain most developed animal, retaining all its instinctual necessities, suddenly acquires substantially increased abilities to think.

86. The only thing that it would strive for is to satisfy its needs more and more in an increasingly convenient manner.

87. But this will lead to a disturbance of the Balance in Harmony and this animal species should necessarily come either to self-destruction, or to a restoring-the-Balance modification.

88. The same thing began to happen to you.

89. For, being incarnated in an organism, where the peculiarities of the mobile mind had been correctly controlling the manifestations of the instincts and emotions of the beginning-its-development new reasonable civilisation, you imposed the natural-egoistic sensual peculiarities on the activity of the young mind.

90. With your spiritual world you greatly multiplied the sensual manifestations of the natural body, which significantly exceeded the admissible norms for the given organism and inevitably modified the character of thinking in a dangerous direction.

91. Therefore, having imposed the instinctive-egoistic influence on the activity of your own mind, you inevitably began to make efforts which violated the existing Balance in Harmony, and you confidently moved along the path of self-destruction.

92. And the fact that favourable modifications, albeit small, are taking place in your society in the field of your spirit, in truth, this is not due to your societal efforts, but despite them,

93. When the Great Heavenly Father, continuously outplaying the absurd circumstances created by you, helps you accumulate true spiritual treasures, incarnating you in different conditions for your good.

94. And if in this case your spiritual world could be preserved and developed, then it is the flesh itself, being constantly born in abnormal conditions with abnormal life-manifestations, which inevitably loses more and more the ability to self-survive and according to the laws of Nature it should self-destruct.

95. If all your bodies perish, you will lose the opportunity to continue to develop in fulfilling the Intent of the Great God.

96. For you have the possibility to develop exclusively only in the flesh.

97. And then everything should be started again, Choosing for you another beginning-its-formation young civilisation of the mobile mind.

98. This is extremely complicated, therefore, your life on this Earth should by no means be interrupted.

99. And since the tree of doom, personifying your living arrangement to this day, obviously begins to wither quickly, it is necessary to plant a real true tree of Life,

100. In the leaves of which will forever be incarnated also the ones, who will to the very end make noise in the ugly drying crown.

101. Today – by the Will of the Great God – the Beginning of this was laid!

102. And on your ability to assess everything correctly and in time, now already depends only the amount of grief which will be necessarily increasing in accord with your non-participation, as well as your blind unreasonable confrontation.

103. The vast capabilities of the mobile mind are designed for impeccable performance only in conditions, when this mind will completely control the natural sensual peculiarities of the flesh.

104. A characteristic feature of yours – unlike all the representatives of the mobile mind of the Universe, whose instinctive emotional sensual world has been reduced to insignificant working manifestations – is the presence of two unusually brightly displayed sensual worlds in you;

105. Which is an unprecedented manifestation in the Universe.

106. The presence of such bright sensual peculiarities should inevitably, in the case with you, influence the thinking activity of your mind.

107. Where, depending on which of the sensual worlds will influence the work of the mind, such will be the characteristic orientation in your life-activity.

108. At the same time, your natural-emotional sensual peculiarities are like an all-burning fire, and precisely in your life this fire should not be extinguished under any circumstances.

109. Which you out of ignorance do in meditations and some other methodological conscious efforts.

110. This is a serious and dangerous mistake for you.

111. And in order that this fire does not affect your mind – which makes your actions chaotic, often absurd and dangerous, at that, holding you constantly on the road of self-destruction – the hot flame of your emotions should necessarily come under the control of the greater strength of your spirit;

112. Which will allow your wonderful fire to keep on burning in a unique manner, but already without the consequences of any dangerous bitter conflagrations.

113. For the spiritual peculiarities of your soul are like another kind of fire which does not have scorching qualities.

114. These spiritual peculiarities are not only able to multiply the strength of the natural-emotional fire, but are also designed to envelop this fire, ennobling it and making it non-dangerous.

115. And when the strength of your spirit becomes greater, then only it alone begins to influence the activity of the mind.

116. And the qualities of the sensual peculiarities of your spirit are never able to distort the work of the mind in a dangerous direction.

117. For in the essence of your spiritual force there are not any egoistic peculiarities at all.

118. Therefore, the only possibility to Save you, in this decisive Epoch of your formation, lies today in the obligatory vitally important replacement of the natural egoistic prism which characteristically refracts the reality for your mind, on a spiritual one.

119. In order that the mind could use the existing information with a spiritual mark only.

120. This is the only true circumstance, under which your mind acquires an impeccable, for your good, possibility to work.

121. By the Will of The Great God, The One, All-Loving and True Father, I Came today to help you change this conditional natural egoistic prism, under the influence of which you inevitably built, throughout the Earth, a civilisation of global egoism –

122. An unthinkable and unseen until now manifestation in the Universe of Being.

123. During the first seven years of my open Accomplishment I had to create the necessary favourable conditions and the foundation, where now I am to proceed with the main effort for your Salvation.

124. Along with what was to happen in your society all over the Earth and what is already happening, and alongside with what is still struggling on the Russian land but is already irrevocably dying, it is on this Russian land that now already has to be actively formed the foundation of the future mankind.

125. Many of you have learned about this Event in various forms of all sorts of predictions.

126. Because from a certain point in time the probability of such Event could already be foreseen on the basis of some energetic regularities, except for the exact date and exact place.

127. And the representatives of the extraterrestrial world could determine this probability in advance, assuming that the Accomplishment could take place somewhere within the gigantic space of Siberia.

128. After that, this information, with assumptions about the place and with an estimated time period of the beginning of the Accomplishment, began to be introduced in your life through some intermediaries.

129. Аt the time of the first Accomplishment I said a lot of generalised concepts and very few straight and concrete vitally important instructions, but this was a peculiar necessity.

130. For the purpose of the Accomplishment held in itself a particular character, which was, to the extent possible, successfully fulfilled;

131. Although this ended with very unpleasant painful sensations. But such was the inevitability for the good of you.

132. And since the ones, who took the few truths which I left, naturally aspired to establish on this basis a vitally important religious teaching, so the followers inevitably faced an infinite number of diverse life circumstances, to which they either did not find any answers among the given truths, or were unable to derive from what was left a correct understanding for a worthy practical effort.

133. In this case, naturally, circumstances occurred of the need to think out what was missing. And you did it.

134. And in such a way, that, on the basis of your numerous, inevitably false interpretations of the few truths which came to you with the slightest distortion, you formed a large religious teaching, named Christianity, in which nothing was left from what I had laid down.

135. It is not difficult for me to give you what you need from my Spirit of Truth.

136. All the great complexity is locked in your abilities to take everything that I have given.

137. The natural-egoistic prism, which is still inherent to all of you without exception, is absolutely absent in me.

138. Therefore, when I give you one or another truth, you will inevitably try to consider it with your mind on the basis of what has an egoistic marking only.

139. The distortion in your perception initially becomes in all cases inevitably natural.

140. Under these circumstances, in order to give you everything vitally important, I need to stay with you for a longer period of time,

141. During which I will continuously correct your various, naturally emerging false perceptions.

142. This should proceed until correct perceptions are accumulated up to a definite vitally important level,

143. At which you will be already able to decide everything else worthily by yourselves, and on your part there will be no probability for making a gross mistake

144. Which can have an opposite to the Truth meaning.

145. It is in this connection that the need of a living Teacher occurs, a living Word which is ready to continuously correct everything false that is arising.

146. No book that captures wisdom and truths is ever able to teach anyone.

147. It can only give a chance to get in touch with what is in it.

148. But when you read the truth imprinted in it and in your mind immediately occurs a false understanding, the book will not begin to correct you,

149. No matter how many false perceptions you give birth to, while reading the scriptures.

150. And it is only your egoism that can accept the silence of the Book of truths as a sign of a silent approval of the nonsense which has occurred in your head.

151. I verily tell you: whoever states that the Scripture teaches him is an unreasonable blind man.

152. Don’t you divide yourselves into multitudes, holding the same Book in your hands?

153. Wherein each of the multitude is convinced that his own understanding of the Book is the most truthful.

154. Remember that only the living Teacher of Life, who exists and will exist forever, can teach you the Truth of your life.

155. And when he is not among you, it is only your heart and your own comprehension that are teaching you.

156. Today my Time has come, when I have the opportunity to tell you everything necessary about your life.

157. I am ready to give you an infinite number of direct and concrete instructions allowing you to understand Everything – what is for your good and what is not – regarding any life manifestation of yours.

158. I am ready to give you all This in such a volume, that you have not seen for the entire history of existence of your society on Mother-Earth.

159. Today you need to learn a lot about all your life efforts, for, whatever insignificant an effort may seem to you, your blooming or withering directly depends on it.

160. Today it makes no sense to give you many generalised truths which you have to think out on your own as to their application to your concrete steps.

161. For every independent guesswork of yours always produces something to some extent false, convenient to your egoism.

162. To appeal to you to be humble is not only the same as calling you to do stupid things, but it is also the same as showing bread to the hungry and not sharing it with them.

163. In every single case humility is specifically displayed, therefore, today I have to give you precise instruction for each such case.

164. And if once I often gave the truths allegorically, through many parables, that has been just an expression of a definite exceptional necessity, but the meaning of my creation is not in it.

165. My concern while I am together with you is not to leave a lot of attractive and ghostly secrets among you.

166. For I know, that you will always start to wander in the thickets of these secrets; but your life depends on them.

167. I am not the one who brings wise temptations, but I am the Light of your World.

168. And if I give what your life depends on, then my concern is that your understanding of what is mine would be the most accurate.

169. Therefore, when I come to you, I bring the Truth equally to all of you and I am ready to explain everything at any level of your understanding.

170. In the first seven years of my open Accomplishment I gave such an abundance of truths and in such a form, that their comprehension was intended to slow down as much as possible your rapid movement towards demise.

171. There is a great deal of inertia in your psychological peculiarity.

172. And the more worthily the comprehension of what I have already given has proceeded, the more favourable will be the conditions for a crucial vital pivot to another – predetermined by the Great God for you – direction.

173. For those who have shown laziness, the pivot will be much more complicated, depending on the degree of laziness,

174. Not to mention those who superficially touched upon the Teaching just through the words coming out of their mouths.

175. They will continue to move in the same direction, and on the line of movement there will be imprinted just a small zig-zag from the time of contact with the Truth.

176. All the teachings on Earth, which you have about your development, at their best can only slow down your movement towards demise.

177. They never teach you to combat the violently blazing egoism in all your life manifestations,

178. Only on the basis of which you are rushing headlong towards your non-existence.

179. And they touch upon this very rarely, using as a rule some general concepts which you are not able to apply in the right way independently.

180. If a teaching does not modify your improper movement fundamentally, it is invariably able to turn into something like a decoration for Christmas tree,

181. Which is hanging on a branch of the ugly tree of doom; wherein it seems to you that the tree has become nobler because of that.

182. What I am going to start giving you in great abundance after I finish this appeal to you – that is everything capable of leading you towards complete victory over all the abnormal manifestations of your egoism,

183. Which from the earliest days of the beginning of your life on Earth became your invisible governor and a great friend of the mammon.

184. And only after that will your soul be flourishing freely, which will more and more allow you to acquire a true world perception as well.

185. I will create for you a Door with an invisible to the eyes, wonderful fine sieve on the whole opening.

186. This will be the Door, only through which will it be possible to enter God’s Kingdom,

187. Where the Truth reigns and your love blossoms.

188. Each of you is able to easily pass through this door, if he holds the real Sacred Faith and is ready to abandon what the wonderful sieve will begin to set apart when passing through it.

189. And it will be setting apart everything which is connected to all the abnormal manifestations of egoism.

190. Even a hint of the dangerous side of egoism will not be able to pass through this Door.

191. And of course, each of you who would frantically grab at what has been put aside by the wonderful sieve, trying to keep it, will inevitably remain in front of the Door together with his rubbish,

192. Regardless of how loudly he talks about his faith in doing so.

193. Only in your practical efforts, worthy and dedicated, can the Sacred Faith bloom with marvellous flowers.

194. It is in your immediate everyday life that you are to learn everything.

195. I am the Teacher of Life and my primary task today is to teach you to see again and in a new way all those things in your life, which you have accumulated as an experience for all your history on this Earth and consider well-known and even understandable.

196. I have to give you numerous explanations of what could be the spiritual marking in perceiving one or another phenomenon from all the reality that happens to you every day.

197. For it is necessary, in the first place, to learn to see all this in the right way.

198. But in order to begin the formation of the foundation of the future mankind correctly, it is necessarily required to bring you as close to Mother-Earth as possible.

199. So that you would not be separated from Her by numerous levels, as well as by various tribunes and thrones, which are created to amuse the egoism,

200. For the blind are easily led into the wilds of grandeur, where pride and envy are in their highest bloom.

201. And now already came the predestined Time, when I was to reveal a lot of things to you.

202. In order that from now on you bear the full measure of responsibility for everything that happens to you in the Times of this decisive for the fate of mankind Event.

203. Many people talk today about the negligence of the nation of Judea, that they have rejected the Salvation sent down to them.

204. But you should not hastily exalt yourselves above that nation, for today you all have to show in reality what makes you better than the ancient people, from ignorance scorned by you.

205. And if the Events of the first Accomplishment proceeded in such a way that it was difficult to assess a lot of things correctly, then you were given two millennia to understand your mistakes.

206. And now you find yourselves in that same conditions, being born in the current Epoch,

207. Where just the external decorations have changed, but the essence of your life has remained the same.

208. And when the human society, getting out of the life-threatening lower stages, passes the zero level of the norm, established by the Uniform in the Harmony of Being, and further moves along the Road of Ascent, then your life will already be characterised by a continuous conscious-desirable aspiration of the human civilisation to live and create solely for the benefit of the surrounding World of the Universe;

209. What has initially been determined in Harmony for the mobile mind of the material World.

210. And only after that you will be deservedly perceived by the world of the Mind of the Universe.

211. And only after that, in fulfilment of the Divine Intent of the Great God, your All-Loving Father, the door of the Universe will be finally opened in front of you.

212. You will become completely incapable of causing any harm at all.

And may the predestined Be Done!

And may the Glory of God cover Eternity.