Chapter 17

Soon after my awakening and the beginning of the predestined Accomplishment I dived into an infinitude of unique manifestations of your peculiarities,

2. Getting into close contact with the great diversity of all possible good and not good egoistic efforts of yours.

3. For even your good deeds, according to an existing regularity, are inevitably firmly attached to the egoistic peculiarities.

4. At that, my cognition of what is inherent to you proceeded further, and what was difficult to touch upon in the period before my awakening I could fully see during the times of my real wakefulness.

5. Great and Wise my Father is, for so graciously and carefully holds my Spirit, otherwise the heart of my flesh would have long ago burned out from what I saw.

6. For I was born solely for your good and I can verily feel happiness only when I see the beginning of your common Ascent.

7. It is difficult for me to explain to you what it means to cherish equally all of you, regardless of the fact, whether you accept or persecute me, whether you worship me or abundantly throw towards my heart slops of slander, coming out of your unrestrained mouths.

8. But I evenly bring my Spirit to all of you, and each of you can benefit from it without measure.

9. For the Strength of my Spirit is immeasurable, as it is connected with my Father, and this Source, granted to you by the Father, will never run out.

10. But only when I am in the flesh do you have the opportunity to additionally derive life-giving Force.

11. One should not think that your Father is not giving you enough Strength of His Holy Spirit without me.

12. When Father created you, He connected each of you with Himself by a Benevolent Thread, through which the Force of Father unceasingly comes to you in the amount which provides the most favourable conditions for your natural development.

13. For this reason, when I am out of the flesh, you are connected only with the Great Father, getting from Him everything vitally important for you, no matter what religious teaching you temporarily belong to and whether you keep on playing with toys, worshipping various idols.

14. In truth, Father does not look at these external searches of yours, but what inner efforts you apply towards what you have already realised as being right.

15. When the Hour of my successive incarnation comes, then my appearance amongst you disturbs your natural rhythm of life manifestations.

16. From the moment of my awakening an artificial acceleration of all your vital processes begins, and especially the ones who believe in what is mine should inevitably notice how a year feels like a decade, and in one decade they would see – as if centuries have gone.

17. In the period of my Accomplishment the time intervals considerably densify, which forces your life rhythm to sharply activate.

18. That is why my appearance among you should not be frequent, but strictly predetermined.

19. When with the natural, inherent in you capabilities you find yourself unable to independently correctly overcome some vitally important barrier emerging naturally on your road, there will always occur the necessity of an artificial short-term modification of the rhythm and direction of your life-activity.

20. And this will be the Time of my successive appearance among you.

21. And when in such a period I come to call you for doing something considerably greater for your Salvation, I will inevitably call you for doing something which is not inherent in you, for the fulfilment of which your own strength will be insufficient.

22. And then the Strength of my Spirit should help you.

23. For, when I appear in the flesh, my Spirit gets much closer to you.

24. But it will be difficult for me to help you, if you call my name as hypocrites, remembering me in hard moments and forgetting when everything is gone, starting again to violate the laws.

25. For your being will become increasingly rougher, and my help will affect you less and less significantly.

26. And only the ones who sincerely accept me in their hearts in greatest confidence, in self-sacrificing aspiration to fulfil my Word, allow my Spirit to increasingly over time affect your qualities in a beneficial way.

27. And then through any appeal to me you will always be able to overcome the force of the darkness, whatever it can be, getting over any obstacle emerging on your road.

28. But the main thing is that in your life you get the real opportunity to fulfil what has been designed for you in the present Time, which would be impossible to do in your natural circumstances.

29. Remember, above all, that my true help for you is the Word, which I will pronounce for you to correct your countless life-threatening mistakes.

30. Wherein I will reveal a lot of regularities to you, opening your eyes to all your unrighteous efforts.

31. And, using myriad truths, I am ready to detail every step of the Road, for your forthcoming Salvation, thereby setting the direction of your true future Ascent.

32. But this is already the opposite side of the one which you have been plodding in for thousands of years, shedding tears and blood in absolutely unreasonable wildness.

33. And now, in truth, I am ready to say for all to hear, that none of you is moving in the necessary direction, which is warmed by the Beams of God’s Love,

34. No matter what religious teaching you have dedicated your heart to.

35. For even those, who called themselves believers in my first Accomplishment, never did the self-sacrificing work in fulfilling the few simple truths;

36. Except for some worthy men who can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

37. They did not start to perceive the depths of the truths, left by God’s Will, but covered them with numerous false concepts, adapted in favour of their egoism.

38.  And then the blind ones called themselves capable of leading the blind.

39. Ever since they cannot find the Door themselves, and divert all the rest – a considerable multitude – towards their obstinate strayings.

40. But now all the leaders have already come close to the bottomless pit.

41. By trumped-up concepts they perverted my Essence, which is the Law set by God, and started abundantly to worship mainly my body, given in antiquity.

42. Whereas I taught to worship in the Spirit just the Great God, the One All-Loving Father.

43. And my body is only an opportunity to convey to you in an accessible manner what is hidden inside me, but my body is not my Essence.

44. Therefore, it was not in the death and resurrection of my body that I came to show the Essence of Salvation, but it was in the self-denying fulfilment of my laws, in which I manifest myself to help you, and only from which your resurrection to true life becomes possible.

45. As long as the laws and my Truth are in reverence among you and you are persistently striving to fulfil them worthily and selflessly, I stay next to you, and we are truly inseparable together.

46. And then Father is in me, and I am in you, and you are in me, and we are all one.

47. But if your faith in God is reduced only to ritual actions, and you respect my laws only verbally, then I will not be able to be with you.

48. For I am able to live among you only through your deeds, when you fulfil my Law to God’s Glory in every action of your life, but not through words that honour the name of my ancient flesh, no matter how often and loud you invoke it.

49. Therefore, only where people gather in my name, honourably fulfilling what is mine, am I also in their midst.

50. But where they gather in my name, using any opportunity to avoid the fulfilment of what is mine, only desecration takes place there, and I will not be there, no matter how great such a multitude has gathered.

51. And so, each of you, who selflessly fulfils my Word, acquires true Salvation and only then he allows me, as a master, to be in his heart.

52. If I said once, that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, then, can the worship of the Way be equal to walking along it?

53. Is it one and the same to worship the Truth and to fulfil It?

54. And can you compare the worship of Life to the flow of Life itself?

55. You did not begin to comprehend my truths, once left to you, which you can comprehend solely through your own self-sacrificing work, but you tried to understand them through your mind, that slavishly serves the egoism.

56. Therefore your false interpretations have divided you among yourselves,

57. For you kind of started to build a house on the sand, replacing my words with your own.

58. When you seek to show love for your earthly parents, you try to manifest yourselves in front of them through your decent outward efforts.

59. And, having seen your outwardly shown decency, the parents are happy and praise you, being unaware of the untidiness hidden inside your essence.

60. It is a different matter with your Great Father, Who never pays attention to your outside decency during your rituals, but all His attention is on what is inside you, which can be easily observed during all the days of efforts in your life-activity among your neighbours and everything that lives in Mother-Nature.

61. There is no sense to talk about love for my ancient name, when your deeds are evil, and you bathe in self-admiration.

62. What I had once laid down, for the good of you, as something most precious and veritable, during the first Accomplishment in the land of Israel, the followers, out of ignorance, under the influence of their egoism invariably successfully perverted through their numerous interpretations and turned into the most unsightly in its essence creed on Earth.

63. Where even the primary vitally important commandment about the self-sacrificing and dedicated love was changed by various interpretations in such a way, that it completely lost its genuine meaning.

64. Although the teaching itself has become commonly known in your society, and the community – quite numerous.

65. But what can be popular in a society, where all its representatives are totally aimed at profit and convenience, as well as reverence for one’s own personality?

66. For in the very truths, which supposedly became the basis of Christianity, I laid down the opposite principles.

67. By comprehending them worthily one would not gain worldly benefits,

68. The ones who cognise them would not acquire the commonly accepted conveniences;

69. The ones who selflessly fulfil them would perceive the veneration of themselves as a burden.

70. Therefore, it is not truths which teach complete unselfishness, sincere self-devotion and gentle humility that served as a basis for the emerging – convenient for the great multitude – religious teaching, but wordy interpretations, soaked with egoism, were laid in that basis.

71. And after that it became not necessary for the great multitude to dramatically change its life, but, continuing to live according to the old principle, they acquired a false sense of calm from the fact that they named themselves Christians.

72. The criterion for correctness cannot be the multiplicity in the society of wanderers.

73. Exactly as one day a great multitude against one man claimed that the Earth is flat.

74. Even in the bosom of the very community of believers, when their number was increasing, emerged a handful of people who decided to take a bold step in accordance with the Truth independently, based upon their own sincere understanding, not like the rest of the multitude considered convenient.

75. After the life of these worthy toilers, their names have been honoured by the lazy in spirit.

76. Having realised afterwards the sanctity of such exploits, nevertheless they did not try en masse to act according to the example performed.

77. And, just hiding themselves behind numerous excuses in which allegedly was hidden the Will of the Father, all the others hypocritically admit their weakness and sinfulness.

78. But your weakness and sinfulness you avow loudly not in order to overcome them afterwards by self-denying work, but in order to always stay with them, in peace and comfort, delighting your egoism.

79. In truth, what is there in your heart you can never hide, and this dirt is visible everywhere.

80. Each of the vices and weaknesses, which are now to be found inside you, could be overcome through heroic deeds only.

81. And that means, if you did not dare to do this, do not call yourselves believers, for the words about your faith on your lips will just be a foul language.

82. In truth, today I thirst for the purity of Faith in you!

83. But I cannot help you do the righteous while you passionately honour the opposite.

84. It is not God’s Church that your hands are building now, but human,

85. For you seek human glory first, being afraid to endure for the Glory of God.

86. In ignorance, you decided that in order to be saved it was enough for you to believe.

87. And today I look at the believers and my heart is being filled with bitterness.

88. In a loud cry of love for Heavens you wish to secure Salvation.

89. Having crushed the flowers with your feet, you do not heed the essence of that grief.

90. And as soon as the time comes, you will rapaciously pounce on your neighbour.

91. By branding him with the term “seduced”, you zealously poison the exiled one.

92. Do you really think that the actions contrary to God, cannot be clothed in churchly names?

93. What is from God should be looked for in the essence of the deeds, and not in the names which are so easy to try on.

94. The righteous deeds are not defined by the names, but by the nature of their performance.

95. But you were afraid to peer into what was changing and pinned your eyes to the still signboards.

96. For in contact with the changing, one should always be vigilant,

97. When at the signboard one can take a nap, bowing his head towards its surface.

98. So, you did not notice the replacement of the values. And under the sign “Light” – the pitch darkness has come to reign,

99. And where God has extended His hands to you – your backs are now looking that way.

100. Oh people of the world, reaching today a deadlock on the long way! More and more now I hear your voice, filled up with fear and malice.

101. The basis under your feet is increasingly shaking, and your ever more frantic eyes are avidly looking for the culprit.

102. In your blindness, you once bowed your head before mammon.

103. And a chain of precious metal rings locked on your neck.

104. But what is the price of this metal, cast in the furnace of your greed?

105. Should it not be dispelled like dust, rubbed between the palms of Time?

106. And now, what has bound your neck is like dust.

107. And you cherish that chain, continuing to please the mammon with your pleas.

108. Why are you seeking salvation in the land of slavery, asking for help from the heartless mammon?

109. His mouth has not been fed by the Spirit of Light, but by the foul-smelling juices of your malice and envy.

110. How long will you serve the wicked mammon, raising his laws above your heart of unseen value?

111. You diligently serve in the gardens of that mammon, where bur and thistles are planted in abundance.

112. Due to this, over many centuries, your taste has been perverted, and now already you do not thirst for the fruit of the grapes,

113. The fruit of the grapes from the Vine of Eternity, planted by your Father’s Hand.

114. Is it worth for you to yell now, when this fate of sorrows you have chosen on your own?

115. Having entrusted your life to false values, you are waiting in vain for the Day of prosperity.

116. But you are not roving towards that Day, over the centuries, because you trusted your greed, choosing it for your guide.

117. And so, noise through the centuries bothers the Earth.

118. A great deal of dust from the wanderers has veiled the Sun like a grey shroud.

119. Hatred continues to burn the eyes of man’s heart, which are always called upon to help.

120. And when the eyes of the heart go blind, the pit full of abomination becomes forever a home of the wandering ones.

121. The noise of the world is made by the voices of the indignant,

122. And the voices of the humble are silent.

123. But it is precisely the melody of this silence that benevolently colours life.

124. And a pure heart is drawn only to these vibrations.

125. But the noise of the world consists of the sounds of the unrestrained ones.

126. This is not the voice of those who glorify the Truth, but the shriek of the wounded pride.

127. The piercing shriek of the ones thirsty for revenge.

128. Oh, what a great ignorance I see today, hearing a voice which is indignant at the lack of fair revenge!

129. But is it not a just retribution that has distorted your face with a grimace of pain and sorrow, while you are hasty in proclaiming your innocence.

130. How long have you imagined yourself as heroes, looking at yourself in the reflections of marshy puddles, hiding a cowardly heart behind your anger.

131. But you are not able to solve the complications through words of wisdom and you find satisfaction just through shedding blood.

132. Great is the thirst for revenge in the deafening cry, sounding today from embittered mouths.

133. Did you not satisfy your thirst for blood for so many centuries?

134. What has happened to you, human kind?

135. After all, you were not born for shedding blood, but to multiply life!

136. And what can you say today as your excuse?

137. But the gnashing of teeth drowns out the sound speech.

138. How long are you going to dread the Verity and the Truth, the Light of the Verity about your real essence?

139. For a long time you have fancied yourselves as quite right-minded people, but you have only been selling your smiles, waiting for immediate pay.

140. A rainbow illusion has served as glasses for your eyes.

141. Since your interest has been unaffected, that is why decent words have sounded.

142. But from now on your interests will be inevitably fundamentally affected.

143. And your rainbow glasses will break, unveiling to your gaze the abiding reality.

144. Now look at your face! Can you really say that what you see is human?

145. Like hyenas, you do not see life without carrion, with greedy eyes relentlessly searching for victims.

146. Oh, you self-seeking people, craving for great laurels, you hide behind lengthy slogans of good intentions, but you delight just your egoism, climbing the platforms of all sorts of bigger and smaller thrones.

147. You hunger passionately to stick all over your clothes shiny things, decorating yourselves like a Christmas tree for the holiday.

148. But just like the felled Christmas tree will stay decorated for a short time, and then like useless litter will be thrown away, such is verily your fate as well.

149. You undermine yourselves, plunging into the slavery of your own selfishness.

150. And what about your good intentions, then?

151. You, like frantic hounds, strive towards illusionary heights, pushing each other in excitement and stepping on the heads of the ones who have fallen.

152. But those heights are woven from the mist, where during the long night the frozen drops form a shimmering platform for the night.

153. And it lasts just until dawn, and with the first sunbeams you will experience an inevitable fall.

154. But you are not children of the night, and only the Sun knows your various smiles.

155. Scabs cover your faces today, for you continuously hide them in fear from the beams of the Truth, just the drink of lie excites your mind.

156. But you strive to judge everything.

157. Wouldn’t your conclusion be mixed with grave worms?

158. Turn your hearts and faces to the streams of Verity and Truth, without fear of possible pain.

159. For the filth has already fused to your flesh, and it will not be easy to scrape it.

160. Gird your loins with bravery.

161. Patience will be the shield, and let aspiration replace the spear.

162. May not the thirst for victory over your neighbour lead you, for in this battle the one who attacks will always be defeated.