Chapter 15

Something similar should now already necessarily happen in the modification of your perception of the ongoing reality as well.

2. Just not through the process of awakening, but through your titanic work within a short period of time to replace one prism, refracting the whole reality for you, by another one, which is true and eternal.

3. If we refer once again to the terms adopted in this appeal, then we should say that the conditional prism of the instinctive sensual egoistic peculiarities – being the root foundation in your perception of the entire existing reality and still inherent to each of you without exception – has to be necessarily changed to a spiritual one,

4. Through which the refracting of the whole reality will always provide for you precisely those conditions, solely on the basis of which you have the possibility to live in harmony.

5. You are still to understand the fullness of the truth, which says that all your life arrangement on the entire Earth without exception completely depends on your spiritual world,

6. On which fully depend your thoughts with the expressed sensual demands, being exactly the basis for all the events taking place inside your civilisation.

7. All these events possess one common characteristic feature that absolutely and entirely depends on your monstrous egoism which has taken the place of your spiritual world.

8. All your wars and the innumerable multitude of unthinkable stupidities, bringing to all of you undesirable bitter consequences, are a direct result of the action of your unified thought with a pronounced abnormal sensual demand.

9. The strength of one abnormal thought like this is not very great, but as you all around the Earth think equally according to one and the same principle in common dependence on egoism, manifested in individual, as well as in group and in national form, then such efforts of yours necessarily join together because of their homogeneity.

10. At that the overall strength increases dramatically, adding up.

11. And since every single one of you all over the Earth makes, in essence, one and the same effort, then in a united state such efforts of yours acquired something formidable and extremely dangerous,

12. Regardless of what forms of life manifestations you are engaged in.

13. Living in an environment of such thoughts and senses, your civilisation from time to time should inevitably be drowned in blood – which is being shed incessantly – and in countless other disasters.

14. In this state you have never been accepted by Nature and it veils itself from you to the present day, which is why you cannot get rid of the burden of various diseases.

15. That Mother-Nature, which you always view from your high horse and only as an object for delighting your body, where it is not clear out of what stupidity you named yourselves Her kings.

16. By such joint efforts you have created a peculiar conditional environment of easily inflammable fumes, which saturation provokes you to strike a dangerous spark,

17. The emergence of which, even the tiniest possible, inevitably leads to great inflammations, burning out large dips not only in the body of your society, but also in the Nature of the Earth, leading to the abundant moans and cries of the affected ones.

18. You know, that this is not good, but you cannot do anything against it as long as you are slaves of your own egoism,

19. Despite all your outwardly expressed spectacular actions, designed to show your allegedly reasonable intention.

20. Inevitably and infinitely igniting on your own large and small fires, for thousands of years you are trying in vain to build the society of the desired prosperity.

21. At that, all around the Earth, in different small and large separate societies, you are equally persistently striving to form your life arrangement according to the same primitive principle,

22. Which root essence remains the same both in the ancient tribes, and in the present-time societies.

23. But you cannot step away from this, because you are forced to it by the conditions you all have created.

24. Where it is only the cult of the greater material value that has been given the role of fulfilling a wildish peacekeeping mission.

25. All this uniform characteristic system of life-arrangement of all your society as a whole has a uniform root, a uniform trunk, and through the different separate societies it manifests itself by the thickest branches, coming out directly from the trunk.

26. And further on, inside these various societies, endlessly suspecting each other in guile, these branches continue externally to branch out inimitably into still smaller branches many times, and all these sprigs are covered with a great amount of foliage

27. Which makes noise incessantly, because of the continuous complaint of the ever unsatisfied egoism.

28. The tree of global egoism with an extremely unpresentable appearance – that is the coat of arms on the shield of the existing mankind.

29. All this ugly system grew solely on the basis of your relevant thoughts and desires and continues to exist due to the psychic energetic peculiarities inserted in such thoughts and wishes.

30. Just like the condition of any cell of your flesh affects the general condition of your whole organism, for this cell is connected by a uniform energetic field with all the rest of the cells without exception, composing completely the whole organism, in the same way each of you, regardless of his understanding and desire, inevitably affects the general condition of all mankind.

31. And again, regardless of whether you are divided from each other by absurd names or not.

32. During my incarnation, due to the flesh, on equal terms with you, I join your common energetic environment, and until my awakening the qualities of my flesh influence the surrounding energetic manifestations insignificantly.

33. But after the awakening, the force of the Spirit, partly unveiled by God’s grace, begins very significantly and quickly to modify in quality the natural energetic features of my flesh.

34. Which immediately begins to influence the entire characteristic energetic environment of your society throughout the Earth, as well as the energetic environment of Nature.

35. But my influence and Force are first of all directed to you, for everything began precisely for your good.

36. In ancient times my awakened state did not last long, and the Spirit itself was unveiled insignificantly, in connection with the extremely wild and primitive condition of life-arrangement of the society.

37. For this reason the regularity which I began to talk about, had an inconsiderable impact.

38. But it is a different story nowadays.

39. With each time my Spirit is being ever-more released, which more and more actively and significantly affects your entire common energetic environment.

40. Where the energetic features of each of you obediently and individually peculiarly respond to the impact of my Spirit.

41. And now your inner world started to move according to the laws which I actually began to manifest.

42. As a result of which, from the moment of my awakening, the tree of lie, personifying the image of the existing form of your life-activity, has begun to wither in an accelerated and now already irrevocable manner.

43. But the Great God allows the unfolding of the Accomplishment carefully and gradually, in order that the transformations in your society did not proceed too sharply, creating excessive difficulties.

44. But the difficulties can multiply very quickly, for the Spirit of the Accomplishment is acting opposite to the efforts of your egoism, and so, the egoism itself will be particularly worried and can often manifest itself through you in an extremely wild for your times and absurd form.

45. And whatever global insidious plans any of you may be having at this moment, all the bearers of such plans from the human race at the current time cannot know what exactly is the role they should really play – like marionettes – under the influence of the invisible for them antagonistic reasonable world,

46. As they temporarily experience imaginary joy from certain success in the process of fulfilling the existing egoistic plans.

47. Be extremely vigilant at this time and do not in any way judge one another!

48. For, since you are still slaves of your own egoism, your steps are easily predictable and it is not too difficult to make all of you executors of the pernicious programme.

49. Moreover, every executor of this kind will be deeply convinced that he is doing the right thing.

50. And now in the epoch of the Accomplishment which decides the fate of mankind, various roles in fulfilling the pernicious for you programme will be especially abundantly imposed on you in all basic spheres of your life: in religions and philosophy, in science and security agencies, as well as in all other public organisations.

51. Wherein, first of all, a basic significant role should play those of you, who consciously or unconsciously are able to become conductors of information and certain energetic features from the hostile to your civilisation source that is patronising you.

52. In this case you can be easily used as marionettes, given the burning inside you unfulfilled egoistic desire to play a significant role in the life of your society, and if it is possible – in the life of all mankind.

53. Besides, each of you is internally predisposed to readily grab hold of the flag, moving in the forefront.

54. One of the main favourable conditions to make you executors of the pernicious programme is your egoistic self-confidence that you can easily determine the verity of the events which take place around you,

55. Thus unconsciously manifesting yourselves as some valuable criterion.

56. And this – you can test yourselves – is easily manifested in your active striving to find just shortcomings in everything which does not coincide with your interests, and what is more – something you still do not understand – in applying permanent efforts to judge what is undesirable for you, manifesting unrestrained sarcasm, arrogance and other various impurities of your inner world.

57. It was difficult for you to realise, that the egoism, lying in the basis of all your life-activity, forces you – for the sake of its satisfaction – to strive constantly to find only shortcomings in all the reality happening around you.

58. Thus you, consciously or unconsciously, continuously strive to exalt yourselves.

59. Where at the same time you often find temporary imaginary reassurance in regard to your shortcomings, when you see the same in anyone around; and you feel still more comfortable, when you find even a bigger defect than yours;

60. And then you begin to seem to yourselves as those who totally lack anything unworthy.

61. Some of you try to hold near themselves the ones who have possibly greater defects, for in this way you seek to emphasise your positive sides,

62. Though you often do not dare to admit this to yourselves.

63. And to those who have been together with you in the same vicious level and have once aspired to become better, you often tend to apply the word “betrayer”, expressing contempt and a storm of indignation towards them.

64. In certain wilder conditions you invariably try to get revenge.

65. Well, and if in the field of your activity there occurs somebody pretending to be free of shortcomings, you internally begin to eagerly expect a confirmation of the presence of at least some little flaws inside him.

66. And then to please your egoism, responding to your sensual expectations, stinking rumours will necessarily come around, which you will readily swallow, having received a false reassurance.

67. In this case none of you will doubt the rumours which have come, for your egoism is always interested in them.

68. And when the whole society is covered by the leprosy of egoism and each of you is inclined to trust the disgusting things, said about your neighbours, then these rumours will invariably multiply with no end in sight.

69. In connection with a definite, inherent to you psychological peculiarity, you inevitably fall under the influence of one vitally important for you regularity:

70. Everyone who seeks the unworthy, can always find it even where reigns solely the worthiness itself.

71. Everyone, who is looking for virtues, would be able to find them only where they really are.

72. Look at yourselves more attentively and critically.

73. Remember that as long as you are predisposed to continuously seek the unworthy, you will be destined to unending bitter wanderings, and you will never find anything worthy in this case!

74. Is that not exactly what each of you is doing particularly actively today, and as a result you become a vessel filled with lies.

75. In order to discover what the content of the jar is, you should tilt it and assess what is running out of its opening.

76. You are the vessel, and your mouth – the opening, out of which is intended to be running what you are filled-up with.

77.  And what do your mouths abundantly exude today?

78. Verily, it can be said for many of you, that you are vessels full of abomination.

79. And everyone, who speaks about righteous anger inside him, is an unreasonable blind man.

80. For there cannot be righteous anger inside you, as long as the egoism rules over you and you compete against each other.