The level of development of the mind of the extraterrestrial worlds, having impact on you, exceeds your level by a myriad of orders of magnitude.
2. Therefore in the process of one or another attempt to affect your consciousness, you, till the present day, pretty simply succumb to the influence of temptations, which the ancient people just as readily succumbed to when various kinds of teachings were being introduced.
3. Moreover your naïve childish attitude to various “rattles” in the form of unusual for you display of the laws of matter, easily provides a tenable argument for the temptations arising inside your consciousness.
4. Where it is you yourselves that immediately rush to ascribe the display of various “miracles” to some omens, supposedly coming from the Heavenly Father.
5. Although these “miracles” have nothing to do with Him, for they are manifested in laws which for the Father are heterogenous* (of different origin).
6. And the very display of all such “miracles” without any exception is just a performance of still unknown to you material laws, artificially used for achieving definite goals, without at that going beyond the permissible limits of the Harmony.
7. The representatives of the mobile mind, with a level of development higher than yours, are easily able to display a large number of such kinds of “rattles”.
8. Though you already are also quite capable of doing a lot of things yourselves.
9. Having once introduced in your relations, in the form of certain conveniences, some conditional values, evolving over time into terms of monetary units, the opposing your development extraterrestrial mind in due time – when the actions, connected with the monetary units, obtained a stabilised character and man started to be continuously dependent on the presence of ever larger amounts of these conventional values – applied well-focused efforts for introducing an accurately calculated monetary-financial system;
10. Which should become something like a reliable leash with numerous precious collars, put from the one side on the necks of all human societies, and on the other side – tied to a “pole”, set by somebody into the ground;
11. What in general is intended to impede the true development and formation of the human civilisation.
12. The first step in implementation of this programme had to become the effort to introduce into your life-activity a definite, specifically expressed rule, which many years later should inevitably bring the whole circulation of the conditional values, on which should necessarily slavishly depend all mankind, to the complete dependence on the actions of a small group of people,
13. On who’s egoistic narrow-primitive spiritual qualities should become dependent to a certain extent the prosperity of a great number of representatives of mankind.
14. This concrete rule should necessarily be introduced only at the level of what is supposedly given by God, for just then the fulfilment of the given rule would become an issue of national interest.
15. And then the success of this activity would obtain a real solid foundation.
16. But such a rule, and in the given case implying a peculiar usurious system, should not be introduced as something convenient in the life arrangement of the society.
17. It should be introduced in such a way, that over a long period of time, regardless of the difficulties and changes of all external conditions of technical and scientific character, it should always be perceived as the single reliable peculiar super-weapon, only with the help of which one could allegedly conquer and enslave all the “unchosen” ones,
18. That should include the whole of mankind, except one possibly small nation.
19. The said dogma of the particular chosenness of the nation should also play in this programme a key role, the firm belief in which is capable of making man extremely persistent in achieving the charted goal.
20. And for the implementation of the given programme all that remained was to find a nation, which did not yet have a strong harmonious religious teaching and which egoism was seriously hurt, but which should not have an inner inclination towards development of handcrafts, arts and science, and should gravitate to trade, as a primary life attachment.
21. And since these qualities in that period were brightly expressed among the nomadic tribes, what was sought for should be found there.
22. But considering the abilities of the extraterrestrial mind such a search could not pose any difficulties.
23. A certain challenge could be only the search of a man, who will decently fulfil what is entrusted to him and in whose consciousness it was possible to lay a channel for the required incoming information.
24. But all this was successfully resolved.
25. And Moses climbed Mount Horeb, what was later imprinted in the Old Testament.
26. I already mentioned that the character of your life-activity is built in such a way that you would first of all try to accumulate the necessary knowledge about your life independently.
27. Where your Heavenly Father in order to help you has created the system of your reincarnations, through which active conditions, favourable for comprehension of what you lack, are created.
28. And if we take one of the primary characteristic features of your vice, which has emerged on the basis of the rapidly growing egoism, – the phenomenon of exalting oneself above the rest of one’s brethren – when this inside you reaches a dangerous level, it is imperative that you get into certain conditions, where you should be persistently humiliated.
29. It would often be preferable if this takes place in the presence of others who are humiliated alike, so that, experiencing this on yourself, and also seeing the same on your neighbours, but already from those positions, you would have the opportunity to reconsider a lot.
30. In antiquity the circumstances related to the unrestrained-to-wildness striving for self-exaltation have been widely spread.
31. The Great God, making use of the situation with the occurring in your society concepts of slavery, always incarnates into bodies of slaves exactly the ones who earlier used to glorify excessively themselves, and also the former slaveholders themselves, who got too involved with their temporary power.
32. It is regarding this law that I have previously warned you that everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.
33. In the same way was also used the flesh of the ancient Israelites, languishing under the yoke of the Egyptian people, when in every newly born flesh was incarnated an unrestrained egoist from some other nation.
34. It goes like this until in accord with the natural social regular processes these external conditions change.
35. And only by the time when these peculiar educational conditions should change, such incarnations cease and a shift towards the common regular process takes place.
36. But the Israelites’ sufferings did not happen for the reason that God has supposedly forgotten about them for a while.
37. Only a great ignorance could give rise to such understanding about the Great God.
38. Moreover that all of you without exception are for Him one single nation and differ from one another only by the degree of your obedience to Him.
39. Father never forgets about any of you and always strives to do everything for your well-being,
40. But He has to outplay the results of your own extremely unreasonable actions, done as a result of the freedom of choice.
41. And as the soul itself does not have any national features, each of you acquires a definite flesh of any nation, precisely through which you have the opportunity to find what you lack.
42. So once, through some circumstances, artificially built by the extraterrestrial mind, and with the same various “rattles”, the people of Israel was successfully freed from enslavement and was directed under the guidance of Moses to the country, supposedly promised by God.
43. But since the release of the Israelites did not happen in accordance with the natural regular processes, the Great Heavenly Father had not previously changed the pattern of the reincarnations, which would cancel the incarnation in the bodies of this nation only extremely unrestrained egoists.
44. Therefore it was exactly the ones who still needed strict education, that suddenly found freedom.
45. And in connection precisely to this fact Moses inevitably had to face enormous difficulties,
46. When the abnormal abundant display of the wild egoism of those who walked with him needed to be continuously suppressed by strict laws and force.
47. The extraterrestrial mind also noticed those extremely complicated circumstances and, after due assessment, an effort was made to create some peculiar quarantine during which several generations should leave the life in the flesh.
48. And since the moment when the Israelites’ people changed the form of its life-activity, the Great God proceeded with the incarnation of his children in these bodies according to the regular principle, regardless of their games.
49. Therefore, it was only after a certain period of time when the given society acquired the usual level of stability, and after that the Israelites’ nation could step forward to its goal.
50. But during this period Moses had Mount Sinai and many other days,
51. When he obediently imprinted the system of knowledge and laws, coming to him from above, on whose basis a strong religious teaching was emerging, with the mandatory for the given case emphasising the specific chosenness of the Israelites,
52. Which guaranteed, for a long forthcoming period of time, a great persistence in the accomplishment of the inserted programme.
53. It was mainly the egoism, which was seriously hurt during the period of yoke and which even without that was excessively great inside, that became a nice fertile soil for such sowing.
54. In this period, together with the numerous rules and laws, the usurious system was successfully introduced; a blessing for all kinds of liberties in relation to the other nations was promised for its obedient implementation.
55. In this way the foundation of the successive religious teaching was laid down, where even the text itself was being transferred and obediently imprinted by Moses in such a manner, that an adequate correct reading of the text gave the chance to receive information about the future of all mankind.
56. And even here the extraterrestrial world did not do without “rattles”.
57. For the possibility to foresee the most probable events in the development of one or another society is fairly accessible for the level of development of those who try to patronise the human civilisation, pursuing their own interests.
58. The necessity to insert the dogma of the peculiar chosenness of that people boiled down to the fact, that, having displayed in this issue a deep national conviction, the Israelites unconsciously switched on an invisible for man regularity from the World of matter, related to the fact, that afterwards at any contact of the Israelites with the representatives of other societies, on behalf of these representatives would occur unconscious dislike and aggression in reference to the people of Israel.
59. This was required in order that the Israelites over a long period of time constantly felt their isolation and still more persistently followed what was prescribed to them by the various laws in the religious teaching.
60. This would enable them to feel continuously a specific inner unity among themselves, and so, the following of the programme would be long-lasting.
61. The extraterrestrial mind, foreseeing the probable future, knew that once – exactly in connection with these activated regularities – the people of Israel, yet again for the sake of accomplishment of the programme, would be being actively scattered all over the world,
62. In order that the introduced system would be favourably spreading everywhere, provided that there can get at least one Jew.
63. The ideology of the introduced religious teaching, resting deep into his consciousness, would continuously turn his efforts to the direction in which he would see his modest contribution, leading to the imaginary inevitable victory of his people over all the other representatives of mankind.
64. In this way the sincere belief in the promises, supposedly given by God, has been displayed.
65. The Heavenly Father saw the deep illusion which His beloved children, a part of whom was incarnated into the bodies of the Israelite people, had succumbed to.
66. Using the mystery of reincarnation, the Great Father began to help over time to neutralise increasingly the dangerous ideological programme in the consciousness, incarnating into the bodies of the Jews souls, that had been previously incarnated in other nations, with an internal experience which had some contrary to the programme peculiarities;
67. Though such an experience was initially very seldom imprinted in the souls, and even if it was – quite insignificantly.
68. And then, in such reincarnation, the inner world – by a force unconscious for man – influenced in its own way the ideological stance in the consciousness,
69. Where an ever greater effect can emerge only over time, when positive vitally important qualities are being gradually accumulated in the souls.
70. And only the unreasonable ignorant actions of the rest of God’s children, holding in their consciousness other, not less dangerous, rough ideological attitudes, began trying hard to unconsciously impede these Efforts of their Heavenly Father.
71. Where during the period of the dispersal of the Jews around the Earth, especially on the part of the representatives of the already established vast community, calling themselves Christians, there were applied abundant and extremely primitive wild efforts in respect of the Jewish people,
72. Without suspecting – out of ignorance of the Truth – that they trip up their own native brothers, being temporarily at that time in the flesh of this people;
73. Thus further empowering their efforts on the false road, laid for them against the benefit of all mankind.
74. The children of the Great Heavenly Father, incarnated in the bodies of the people of Israel, having lent themselves to the ancient laws with all their reason and faith, do not know to this day what kind of temptation they have succumbed to.
75. For, although in ancient times they had the full freedom of choice, under the conditions that were created for them it was impossible not to perceive what they were being given.
76. Such was the result of the efforts on the basis of a correct assessment of the peculiarities of your psychology.
77. A strong emphasis is being placed on this nowadays on the part of the extraterrestrial mind, quite often with unfavourable for you goals.
78. And then, after passing through a measured out for the Jewish people kind of quarantine in the desert land, which lasted many years, this people was to face a turbulent history,
79. For they were deliberately taken to lands, where they would lose their peace forever, pulling on their own heads great misfortunes, what was necessary for the successful accomplishment of the pernicious programme provided by the heterogenous* source.
80. Where the very peculiarity of these misfortunes considerably depends on the regularities related to the manifestation of the powerful nationwide self-exaltation above all the other nations without exception.
81. For any attempt for self-exaltation is, at the energetic level, a challenge to those manifestations of the material laws, which are the object of self-exaltation.
82. When such manifestations take place, the laws of Nature immediately begin to counteract with an ever increasing strength,
83. And in the life of your society this is easily and actively displayed through your own endeavours in respect of any of your neighbours, ending quite often with violent manifestations in the clash of one nation with another.
84. This represents a gross regularity in the Universe, designed for restraining the excessively displayed primitive sides of egoism.
85. And concerning the laws of development of your soul, any attempt for self-exaltation always plays a pernicious role, regardless of the bright slogan under which you make even the slightest efforts towards self-exaltation.
*heterogenous – of different origin (translator’s note); heterogenous source – a source which is of different origin