
  • About the Pole of Peace

    Peace be upon you, who strive to worthily fulfil what has been predetermined by the Heavenly Father! Noting the specificity displayed in your judgements about the Pole of Peace, I see it necessary to further clarify certain circumstances, which are important to understand correctly, and I will mention once again what I have already told…

  • The Time Is Coming

    “Chekist can be only a man with a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands.” Dzerzhinsky In the autumn of 2024, after deliberately prolonged for two years court interrogations, which were conducted only on the initiative of the state prosecutor, where she questioned about a hundred witnesses chosen by her about the same circumstances…

  • Obscurantism of the Anti-Sectarians

    August 28, 2024, Vissarion “He who conceals hatred has lying lips; and he who spreads slander is a fool.“ (Proverbs of Solomon. Old Testament) From the lawyers‘ words I learnt about the journalists’ wish to make an interview with me. I was given the questions so that, having familiarised myself with them, I could express…

  • The Time of God’s Opponents

    Once upon a time, in the lands of the ancient nation of Israel, there occurred a little-noticed but very instructive event that manifested two valuable key implications for all seekers of wisdom from God. In the extant ancient texts that have been included in the New Testament Scriptures, such an event was associated with the…

  • The Pole of Peace

    My friends, it is time to manifest another landmark!  In recent years, you have begun to try to comprehend the topic of the formation of The Pole of Peace community and have already been able to apply some interesting efforts in the right direction for this. In the current epochal period of catastrophic events on…

  • Who will prevail?

    The July 19 news report reflected the concerns of Mikhail Murashko, the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, who said: “A vicious practice has been formed in the society, when the conviction emerged that a woman should first get an education, make a career, provide herself with a financial base, and…

  • Appello a coloro che pensano

    Appello a coloro che pensano

    La pace sia su di voi, figli del Dio vivente! All’inizio, voglio fare una piccola digressione semantica. Dai tempi antichi ai giorni nostri, c’è una menzione riguardante la vita del noto pensatore eccentrico Diogene. Un giorno fu visto camminare per le strade della città. In pieno giorno, Diogene teneva una lanterna accesa di fronte a…

  • Ein Aufruf an diejenigen, die sich Gedanken machen

    Ein Aufruf an diejenigen, die sich Gedanken machen

    Friede sei mit euch, Kinder des Lebendigen Gottes! Ich möchte mit einem kleinen Exkurs beginnen. Von der fernen Antike bis zur heutigen Zeit ist eine Geschichte aus dem Leben des Diogenes, eines wohlbekannten wunderlichen Denkers, erhalten geblieben. Eines Tages sah man ihn in der Stadt eine Straße entlang gehen. Am helllichten Tag hielt Diogenes eine…

  • An Appeal to those who ponder, July 17, 2022

    An Appeal to those who ponder, July 17, 2022

    Peace be with you, children of the Living God! I would like to begin with a small semantic digression. From ancient times to the present day a reference has been preserved, concerning the life of Diogenes, the well-known eccentric thinker. One day he was seen walking down the city street. In broad daylight Diogenes was…

  • Обръщение към мислещите 17 юли 2022 г.

    Обръщение към мислещите 17 юли 2022 г.

    Мир вам, деца на Живия Бог! В началото бих искал да направя малко смислово отклонение. От древни времена до наши дни е запазен спомена за живота на известния мислител особняк Диоген. Един ден го видели да върви по улица в града. Посред бял ден Диоген държал пред себе си запален фенер и внимателно се взирал…

  • 对有思想的人的呼吁。Vissarion。17.07.2022


    Peace be with you and live forever! Children of God! First, I would like to make a brief introduction. Since ancient times, much has been written about the life of Diogenes, who was widely known as an eccentric thinker. One day, people saw him walking down the street. In broad daylight, Diogenes holds a lighted…

  • ¡La paz sea con ustedes, hijos del Dios vivo!

    ¡La paz sea con ustedes, hijos del Dios vivo!

    Peace be with you, children of the living God! At first I would like to make a small semantic digression. From ancient times to the present day, an anecdote about the life of the well-known and eccentric thinker Diogenes has been preserved. One day he was seen walking down the city street. In broad daylight,…

  • Labyrinths of Lies

    Here has come the long-awaited moment of the beginning of the judicial consideration of the psychiatric expertise existing in our criminal case, on the basis of which the allegedly serious harm to health of the so-called victims Kistersky D.V. and Mizgiryov E.Y. has been determined.       In criminal practice there is such a norm, where if…

  • Appel à ceux qui réfléchissant

    Appel à ceux qui réfléchissant

    Paix à vous, les enfants du Dieu Vivant! Au début, je veux faire une petite digression sémantique. De l’antiquité lointaine à nos jours, il existe une mention concernant la vie  d`un penseur excentrique célèbre-  Diogène. Se promenant à Athènes en plein midi une lanterne à la main, Diogène répondait à ceux qui le questionnaient : « Je cherche un homme »  Apparemment, c’était…

  • Christmas Address, January 14, 2022

    Dear friends, peace be with you and your soulmates! I see it favourable to bring to your attention certain key circumstances of which you have already heard from me in varying degrees over the years. I think you have understood already well enough that a peculiar exam is taking place in your spiritual practice, which…

  • New Year’s Address

    Dear friends, allow me as well to wish you a Happy New Year! In view of certain natural circumstances, it seems to me inappropriate to wish you a Merry Christmas, but I’d like to wish you a happy New Year, which according to both your and my childhood memories is associated with a fairy tale…

  • Collective Appeal

    from the Followers of the Teaching of Vissarion To all people of goodwill and the public media To Kingston University, London To the UN Human Rights Committee To the International Committee Against Torture To the Head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis To the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader Dalai Lama XIV To the Representatives of…

  • Teacher in Israel 1994

  • Get Acquainted, That’s Who I Am

    Get Acquainted, That’s Who I Am

    This address refers to a particular circumstance that was once experienced by those who used to come to my meetings. In the early years of these meetings, I allowed myself to mention a piece of specific – not mine – information, which subsequently led some people to ask embarrassing questions. These questions continue to excite…

  • Holiday message (18.08.21)

    Dear friends, peace to your home and your loved ones! This is the end of the time circle, when all major festive occasions you have spent on your own, without my direct, familiar to you, participation. You have managed to cope quite well with the shock of the events that have occurred and to show…

  • The Lamentation of the Heart

    You have crucified my soul… You have smeared me abundantly with the filth of your sins and exposed me to public ridicule… You have exposed me for a long time, until the hour when efforts will be made to hammer in the nails that will validate the accusations you have fabricated for me… I have…

  • It was Until – 31.05.21

    The time for the primary value of Mergence has come… Mergence is intended to help those who have succeeded to trust, to pass harmoniously through readjustment in connection with the beginning of significant changes of the parameters of the fluctuations of the energy-informational field of the Earth… My prayer lasts for about fifteen minutes… Only…

  • The Holiday Message of the Teacher – 31.05.21

    Short-sighted people are not apt to see the essence of the ongoing phenomena, but show a great disposition to arbitrarily hang up assessment labels on everything they come into contact with. Such labels with subjective evaluations are based on the characteristic peculiarities of hard-heartedness, for the very fact of having a desire to assess everything…

  • A Letter from the Teacher /28.01.21/

    The salvation of Russia and its spiritual flourishing, and subsequently of all other nations, had to begin with your union and your Unification on the basis of the Truth which has been revealed to everybody! Bring forth the Light of Truth through righteous deeds, and let the gifts of grace become inexhaustible in your hands!…

  • A New Letter from the Teacher

    The commandment to “love your enemy” does not, of course, imply that you should make every effort to express any admiration or enthusiasm for them. Loving the enemy implies above all those righteous efforts against yourself, when you will not condemn those who persecute or hate you, when you will not show your dislike towards…

  • Address to the Believers 10.12.2020

    The sleep of reason produces monsters. And the monsters produced multiply the grief. Blessed be the exam given to all of you, which was intended both to mark the arrival of the significant fateful frontier and to help open up everything hidden, so that you can see the true face of everything and be able…

  • A Letter from the Teacher /06.12.2020/

    My dear and beloved friends, my large and wonderful Family, peace be with you! At last I have the opportunity to express my great gratitude for your support and, most importantly, for your righteous work! Earthly bow to you all! I am eager to express my gratitude to my little friends who sent their colourful…

  • Meeting 19

  • Meeting 18

  • Meeting 17

  • Meeting 16

  • Meeting 15

  • Meeting 14

  • Meeting 13

  • Meeting 12

  • Meeting 11

  • Meeting 10

  • Meeting 8

  • Meeting 7

  • Meeting 6

  • Meeting 5

  • Meeting 4

  • Meeting 3

  • Meeting 2

  • Meeting 1

  • Introduction

  • A Little Bit about the Essence of the Common Family

    A Little Bit about the Essence of the Common Family

    This appeal is mainly addressed to those who are really striving to fully develop their spiritual nature and try in practice to comprehend in every possible way the relevant characteristic lessons. I would like to once again emphasize a little bit the main essence of what can only allow to fully implement the practice of…

  • Break


    Before I make my general statement, I will mention first one simple experience that you may have well encountered in your life. If you, having a desire to create a homogeneous solution, pour a handful of heterogeneous, similar to each other small particles into a water tank, and then begin to actively shake that mixture,…

  • Time of the Beast

    Time of the Beast

    Once the believers have heard about the image that every tree is being recognized by its fruits, for a bad tree cannot bear good fruits. All of you are able to realize correctly enough that the principal feature of life activity of representatives of the animal world is based on the survival only at the…

  • Chipization


    Recently I began to frequently encounter with your questions about the alleged chipization of the global population, and now I see it favourable to touch upon this issue in a bit more detail. For the more comprehensive understanding of what you are concerned about in these questions, I will answer on a slightly broader plane,…

  • What is going on?

    What is going on?

    Over the last few days I heard from some believers, living in remote cities, that there has been shown some interest in asking me about the exciting events, taking place in the world today. I am well aware of the fact, that the alarming events happening now, especially concerning the various circumstances related to the…

  • On Showing Resentment

    On Showing Resentment

    Difficult times always present a natural temptation for the spiritually unseeing and the mentally immature ones and strongly provoke in them an irresistible need to seek and identify a provisional enemy. To identify the one who by all means must be marked as the culprit for the ongoing troubles and discomfort they have come to experience. Generally,…

  • On the Characteristics of Patriotism

    On the Characteristics of Patriotism

    One can regularly notice many bold statements about patriotism manifested in the daily life of human society. Are those statements being made aptly enough, however, in regard to a variety of circumstances, assuming the normal development namely of human spiritual nature, on which really depends the harmonious well-being of entire human society? Patriotism in human…

  • On the Characteristics of Power

    On the Characteristics of Power

    Can those who believe to have eyes really see? Can those who consider themselves rational see the truth? What is the true worth of those who appear to care for the good of their neighbor but continue to turn their eyes away from the truth? How much longer can those who loudly take on positions…

  • Chapter 12

    Building his life far from the Truth of God and actively displaying an egoistic interested perception of the surrounding people, man persistently continuously asserts some defensive barrier, in his opinion necessary, between his heart and the heart of his soulmate. 2. And it appeared that you are more capable of showing love and tenderness to…

  • Chapter 11

    With its first steps as a unique phenomenon in the Bosom of Mother-Earth, the young mankind, out of a natural ignorance of the Truth, inevitably allowed to manifest through itself the law of self-affirmation in an unusually bright form. 2. What brought each of the representatives of the whole human society into an unbalanced and…

  • Chapter 10

    When in your inner world appear a sufficient amount of positive qualities, you start to have a predisposition to suppose in the core of the actions of anyone of your soulmates, in the contact with his still unknown inner world, above all, positive motives. 2. If you haven’t gained a sufficient amount of positive qualities,…

  • Chapter 9

    By the time of the beginning of the active purification, designed to actually and finally bring you out of the general stream of manifestation of the realm of power through the active transition to the stream of eternal manifestation of the peculiarities of the kingdom of the Soul, you have gathered together for collective comprehension…

  • Chapter 8

    And now the significant Time has come for all mankind, when the most mature ones should begin the transition to the atmosphere of the conditions of active inhibition and active completion of the becoming, with transition eventually to the level of beginning of full-fledged predetermined activity on the Road of Eternity. 2. Now man should…

  • Chapter 7

    And now the time has come! And, as much as it was possible, I gathered those who responded to the fulfilment of what is predetermined for the Salvation of the human race. 2. But to agree to fulfill and to begin the worthy fulfilment is not one and the same. 3. Who really – from…

  • Chapter 6

    And now time has come to deepen your understanding, as much as possible, regarding one important sacrament, which is known to you under the term “baptism”. 2. In order to express in general terms the essence of the commonly accepted interpretation of the sacrament of baptism, suffice it to say that this sacrament is being…

  • Chapter 5

    And now, at last, the significant Event for the whole mankind took place, which I have been waiting for a long time. 2. Although very few of all people living on Mother-Earth have so far been able to decently sort out what is actually Happening in this corner of the Siberian land. 3. Now I…

  • Chapter 4

    The soul, beginning to cognize the mystery of the first incarnation, for the good of its own development should first of all fill the bodily vessel, which at birth is most consistent in quality with the requirements of the level of the Norm. 2. In this case, in connection with the complete absence of any…

  • Chapter 3

    And now after having touched in a brief and simplified manner some fundamentals, we will begin to touch on the peculiarities of the being of man, which will still more help you gain the necessary clarity in the correct understanding of this vital question for you. 2. Now we can figuratively depict the energetic feature…

  • Chapter 2

    And further we will briefly, figuratively touch upon some important energetic peculiarities of the fruits of the developing material World (see Fig. 4). 2. The ego-emotional sensual world should be perceived either as a stimulating or suppressing active energetic manifestation. 3. For the representatives of the animal world such a feature, in the first place,…

  • Chapter 1

    Children of the Great God, peace be with you! Today, with this new appeal of mine, I see the necessity to not just partly reveal for you the next pages of the Book of the great Secrets – in order to define a bit more precisely and to broaden what was once quite briefly and…

  • Chapter 18

    Being awakened by the time of the Hour decisive for the fate of all your race, by the Will of the Great God I have visited many places of your various separate societies, where I have seen one common characteristic form of vital manifestations in all of you, regardless of the belonging to one or…

  • Chapter 17

    Soon after my awakening and the beginning of the predestined Accomplishment I dived into an infinitude of unique manifestations of your peculiarities, 2. Getting into close contact with the great diversity of all possible good and not good egoistic efforts of yours. 3. For even your good deeds, according to an existing regularity, are inevitably…

  • Chapter 16

    In this appeal I have briefly shown the difference between the laws of matter and the laws of the Great God, that you have not known about, confusing and mixing disorderly what is heterogenous and incompatible, throughout your history to this day. 2. Using your namely complete inability to distinguish correctly between the laws of…

  • Chapter 15

    Something similar should now already necessarily happen in the modification of your perception of the ongoing reality as well. 2. Just not through the process of awakening, but through your titanic work within a short period of time to replace one prism, refracting the whole reality for you, by another one, which is true and…

  • Chapter 14

    The Great Father knew about this withering of the negligent tree, out of which you, like the numerous leaves, occasionally fall down and make a lot of noise, when self-willed winds begin to blow. 2. He was aware that if a new tree, and this time the true one, has not been cultivated by the…

  • Chapter 13

    The extraterrestrial world, patronising the people of Judea, assessed very quickly that some laws, established by me, are able to destroy the programme introduced by them and flourishing already for a few centuries through that ignorant people’s endeavours. 2. Thereafter multiple efforts began to be applied in order to influence the course of unfolding events…

  • Chapter 12

    Knowing that His children from the people of Judea abide in the state of false chosenness, the Heavenly Father preordained that my first appearance in your life would begin exactly with this nation, 2. In order to impose a definite auxiliary stamp on the whole forthcoming fate of the life of the Jews. 3. Taking…

  • Chapter 11

    The level of development of the mind of the extraterrestrial worlds, having impact on you, exceeds your level by a myriad of orders of magnitude. 2. Therefore in the process of one or another attempt to affect your consciousness, you, till the present day, pretty simply succumb to the influence of temptations, which the ancient…

  • Chapter 10

    The qualitative foundation of my soul is somewhat different from yours and not so close to the subtle manifestations of the laws of matter. 2. For I am not supposed, like you are, to abide in constant connection with the material laws, and my appearance amongst you is possible only in circumstances that are exceptional…

  • Chapter 9

    And now, opening the next Page, time has come to reveal a great secret, reflecting an effort of the Heavenly Father for Salvation of his errant children. 2. In this appeal I will not touch upon your Father’s numerous efforts, created invisibly for you and always to your benefit, but for the moment I will…

  • Chapter 8

    So, the first incarnations took place, and the young human civilisation unknowingly entered into the mystery of self-determination. 2. The Great Father has seen that the young mankind – out of ignorance of the essence of what was being created – confidently planted the grain of global egoism, which personifies the essence of the inevitable…

  • Chapter 7

    On the way of increasing the capability to feel and perceive the ever more subtle – for such development proceeds only in this one direction – every stage that has been reached shows just the expanded capacity to perceive what has been passed hitherto. 2. This is a measure, which determines the range from the…

  • Chapter 6

    But prior to this significant milestone, throughout the course of your existence, you were to show yourselves in bright diverse colours from a peculiar side of your life-activity, 2. The quality of manifestation of which radically differs from the quality of manifestations from this side of all representatives of the mobile mind of the Universe.…

  • Chapter 5

    The natural sensual attachments, which you made yourselves absolutely dependent on since the dawn of time, began to continuously influence the activity of the evolving mind, forcing it to work only in the direction necessary for the burgeoning egoism. 2. The young mind is constantly being formed, and the direction of formation remains always one…

  • Chapter 4

    In the initial period of your abundant incarnation on Earth, the existing here and beginning its formation successive civilisation of the mobile mind of the material World, suddenly experienced an unseen in the Universe transformation. It was from this moment that the countdown of the formation namely of Man began. At the moment of your…

  • Chapter 3

    So, one day, an epochal Event took place in the Universe – you began to be abundantly incarnated in little lovely infants, who were being born according to their native material laws. The material body that you obtained, was similar to an empty vessel, designed to be a bearer and guardian of the mobile mind…

  • Chapter 2

    Without going into too many details in this appeal, for this should be the next step, I will briefly touch upon a number of fundamental root peculiarities, giving you the right direction. All the rest will be determined mainly by your choice which, according to the Law, is forever free. Life activity of the material…